2012 DW Convention ~ Cripple Mr. Onion Card School

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How do we theme the Discworld Deck? (re-read 1st post please)

  • Option A ~ Regional

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Option B ~ Suit associated (match character to hearts etc)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Option C ~ Grouped by Series

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • Option D ~ Ranked characters (Death = Ace)

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Option E ~ Inclusive/Random (all 54 character cards)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Option F ~ something else? Suggest something then clever clogs!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
Sorry I was out for most of the day - have been playing Mandos and his missus on a Tolkien site :twisted:

OK. It certainly ought to have been you for the Watch Cheery and if you want to do the Wizards as well then that's fine. I think you're onto something with the classic two-way illustrations as that'll match the Turtles and I see you found the template from earlier in the thread - so long I'd forgotten I'd posted it... :laugh:

Now Jokers... Arrgh! :laugh: Jane suggested and I agreed that we ought to have Dr. Whiteface and the little Clown (Boffo was it?) who got killed in Men at Arms (and/or Verence perhaps or the Clown Lord from making Money :rolleyes: ) - point being there's only 2 jokers so they don't need to belong to the suits...

However Nobby has to be a Joker, so yes please! :laugh: Rincewind I'm not so sure about - I see him more as the Jack, but Esk for the Queen Wiz would be excellent :laugh: What about Ponder for the Ace (doing something with HEX perhaps?). What I'm trying to do here is to cast the characters in their hierarchy to match the suits, so sadly this means I think that Sybil will have to go, because Angua is definitely Queen, especially if Carrot is King. Vimes is definitely the Ace Watchman - I think we already had that decided ;)

OK - here's my relatively semiotic logic for the face card breakdowns and we'll do a straw poll from that or we can yell at each other until we get something that works - on that basis I'd say that Nobby can still be a Joker, but really he's more of a Jack than Colon ;)

Watch (clubs):
ace - Vimes
king - Carrot
queen - Angua
jack - Nobby or Colon or Detritus

Wizards (diamonds):
ace - Ponder/Hex
king - Ridcully
queen - Eskarina
jack - Rincewind or long shot Dr. Hix?

Witches (hearts):
ace - Granny
king - Nanny Ogg
queen - Magrat
jack - Greebo? Tiffany's probably better, but not everyone see her in that group... o_O

Death (spades):
ace - Death
king - Mort
queen - Susan
jack - Death of Rats. Albert?

That's just the shortlist though - you can do any characters from the series really and we'll put them into the mix for the 'make your own suits' characters? :p

Finally - does anyone know how to get hold of Mystmoon?


Jun 22, 2009
Angua for queen, Rincewind for jack and Ponder for ace definitely works fine for me. Angua really is the better choice for queen, you're right.

As for the Watch-jack: we could do Colon and nobby. They're allways together, so we could use the two-way illustration with both of them on the same card.
That would just cancel out Nobby as a Joker.
I don't think it would work if Detritus was there instead of Colon, and Nobby would still be the joker. Cause where there's a Nobby, Colon isn't far away.

Ah, right got that wrong. I thought there was a joker for every suit.

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
Vetinari regrettably is a cross-platform character in being in lots of books where AM is involved and of course he's not actually in the Watch (although arguably he's their boss, he's also been arrested by them briefly in Jingo... ;) ).

We can work him in generally but for now we're concentrating on series for the suits ;)

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
Yep - that's the idea, once we get past this first lot - Vetinari would be the Ace obviously (durr! :twisted: ), Harry King (King of the Golden River) also obviously - AM would a much stinkier place without him after all... 8)
or Moist in his position as Head of the Royal Mint so Adorabelle could then by Queen (or Queen Molly perhaps - head of the Beggars) or Rosie yes :laugh: Mr Slant would certainly make a great Knave, but I do like CMOT too :p

OK - we can start a 'spares' list as there's so many who'd make great face subjects.

Archer - :laugh: would you like to do the Witches, Wizards or Death as Bikkit hasn't been back in to confirm and I'm still trying to poke Mystmoon back in


Jul 28, 2008
If you made a Cripple Mr Onion deck you'd need 8 suits, and as far as I know no-one has done one yet. We could have a workshop at the con :laugh: Although it's practically impossible to remember all the rules, so I'd be no good.

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
:laugh: The irony of this is that I loathe card games to a pathological degree! :eek:

It's something that I can even do the National Lottery but I put that down to desparation for some means of getting easy money - I think I may have come a huge cropper in a past life because of gambling as I'm more or less phobic about it and will never play even snap for money :laugh:

That does sound like a good idea though as we could then of course get more characters so an AM suit would be cool - but then we need 3 more... :twisted:

So how about it people? Suggestions for the other 3 just off the cuff are Gods of Discworld, Guilds and Undead maybe? Also more Jokers I suppose? Lots of ways we could do it yet again :rolleyes: 8)

Dotsie - how about proposing that to the Committee for the Convention - that way maybe we really could get Transworld into making up a deck for it? :twisted:


Jul 28, 2008
Noooo they might want me to do the workshop - and I'm rubbish! I could ask them if there area any card sharps going who could run a workshop for us.

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
That's more or less what I was thinking - 'cos I certainly couldn't run it either as my math is absymal even without the gamble-phobia :laugh:

I'll email the convedntion organisers later on today anyway - they do Thud so I don't see why Cripple Mr Onion shouldn't be in there too :twisted:

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
OK - the deed is done. Just sent this to the Committee...

Cripple Mr. Onion - how about a workshop for Discworld CARD games? Or something along those lines - after all why should Thud get all the attention?! ;)

I've sort of been delegated to get in touch with you by members of the Transworld Terry Pratchett Forum because our resident group of creative types have been messing about with creating suits of playing cards for Discworld which aren't too advanced yet, but whilst we were batting around about who could be the Ace of Spades (of course it's going to be Death - durr! :p ) someone mentioned that actually there are 8 suits on Discworld and so we could have a lot more characters to put in for the court cards and aces (and Jokers of course) aside from 16 as per a standard Roundworld pack...

So here I am asking the question as I'm the one who got saddled with organising the design project - I'm flippin' hopeless at cards is the irony and I also have a mildish phobia for gambling so all I'm interested in is the fluffy design of the artwork :( Do you think it's a goer for a small room for an hour or whatever if we can push someone into actually running it at the convention? The thread all about it is HERE which is where interest has revived recently and we have some designs already prepared for templates HERE *groans* which means I have to come up with 4 more suit designs... ugh! :laugh: Shouldn't be too hard actually - will just make them from the Tarot/Caroc I s'pose... although that's a whole other little area of interest. Perhaps we could have a gamblers and card readers tent or summat?

Anyhoo - what d'ye think? My friend Dotsie might also mail you as she's the one who mentioned CMO in the first place! :)

The Mad Collector

Sep 1, 2010
Ironbridge UK
Dotsie said:
If you made a Cripple Mr Onion deck you'd need 8 suits, and as far as I know no-one has done one yet. We could have a workshop at the con :laugh: Although it's practically impossible to remember all the rules, so I'd be no good.
There is an 8 suit deck called the fat pack which expands the normal UK deck and does say it is suitable for Cripple Mr Onion.


as for the rules of Crpple Mr Onion, well they are a little complex


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