It's all in the patterns and they're a bugger to theme even though essentially it's a copy/paste job from the template and 'simply' changing the links so the size and orientation are consistent...

Actually I've been thinking about the recognition side of it especially if we're using Caroc as well, so I'll just put the symbol only under the numbers/letters as per standard Roundworld decks
Time to recap what we're doing with the court cards peeps as we have 4 new suits to 'cast' and find artists for. Although we have plenty of time, because we now have space for more themed sets and the higher Arcana for the Caroc cards to match I'm making some executive decisions although we can still discuss details and the artists will have some say in how the suit they're illustrating is made up (if there's a query after the character we can talk about about it basically)
First the 4 'decided' suits which are based on the traditional Roundworld sets.
Suit ~ Spades
Theme ~ Death series
Artist ~ Mystmoon
Characters ~ A -Death; K - Mort?; Q - Susan; J - Death of Rats? Albert?
Suit ~ Hearts
Theme ~ Witches series
Artist ~ TBA
Characters ~ A - Granny Weatherwax; K - Nanny? Verence?; Q - Magrat; J - Nanny? Greebo? Jason Ogg (love of iron)?
Suit ~ Diamonds
Theme ~ Wizards
Artist ~ Cheery?
Characters ~ A - Librarian? Alberto Malick? Hex? Ponder?; K - Ridcully?; Q - Eskarina; J - Rincewind? Librarian? Dr. Hix?
Suit ~ Clubs
Theme ~ The Watch
Artist ~ Cheery
Characters ~ A -Vimes; K - Carrot; Q - Angua; J - Nobby & Colon? Detritus?
Jokers/Tricksters (as this is the 8th convention we'll have 8 of 'em I think - 1 for each set! ) ~ Dr. Whiteface; Beano/Edward d'Eath; Verence? Malvolio Bent?; Luggage?; Nobby & Colon? Gaspode? Greebo? CMOT Dibbler? Daft Wullie? Lu Tze? Moist?
The second set will be based on Roundworld tarot cards (with the Knight removed). These will be more 'fit for purpose' so I've decided the themes for the 4 suits, but again specific characters are open to negotiation and dscussion
Suit ~ Crowns (pairs with Spades)
Theme ~ Heads of State
Artist ~ TBA
Characters ~ A - Vetinari; K - Verence? Low King?; Q - Elf Queen? Magrat?; J - Moist? Lady Margolotta?
Suit ~ Cups (pairs with Hearts)
Theme ~ The Gods
Artist ~ TBA
Characters ~ A - Wintersmith (is named as Ace of Wands so use regardless); K - Blind Io? Fate?; Q - The Lady? Anoia? Patina?; J - Om? Offler? Anoia?
Suit ~ Octangles (pairs with Diamonds)
Theme ~ Supernatural
Artist ~ TBA
Characters ~ A - Black Aliss? Lily Weatherwax? Angua?; K - Baron Uberwald; Q - Lady Margalotta; J - Reg Shoe? Mrs. Cake? Mr. Ixolite? Mr. Gryle?
Suit ~ Wands (pairs with Clubs)
Theme ~ The Guilds/AM people
Artist ~ TBA
Characters ~ A - Vetinari? Moist?; K - Moist? Harry King? ; Q - Rosie Palm? Queen Molly?; J - CMOT? Canting Crew (Gaspode, Foule Old Ron etc)?
Lastly the cards that are for seeing into the future and not for playing with... The Caroc.
There isn't a lot of info on these - the best I can find aside from the Cripple Mr. Onion link was on
L-space wiki. Also they're organised differently to the Roundworld version with the minor arcana only going up to 8 for the numbers (including the Ace) and have 4 court cards making 12 cards per suit and 30 major arcana cards (the ones generaly used just for readings) making 78 in all.
So another decision to makes thing easier for us Roundworlders who're gonna to be strugging with 4 extra suits anyway - totally adapt them to Roundworld sets (by adding a 10 card and ditching the Knight) and culling the major arcana to 22 so that meerkat can still read them properly - Terry's not specified all the cards anyway so Discworld equivalents will be adapted where possible but again sticking with the Roundworld system. Because of the significance of the major deck meerkat will decide how they're translated and therefore she'll also choose the characters/scenarios although some of them may need talking through!

Once she's come up with an adapted system then our artists can then pitch for who does what.
Sorry to do such a horrible info dump but I needed to get this all put down semi-clearly so we can tame it all and start assigning 'work' in earnest. I'm PMing the people who've expressed an interest in designing the suits already and will go back to the Art thread and link to this post so everyone gets a chance to work on this that wants it and regardless of whether they're going to the convention