2012 DW Convention ~ Cripple Mr. Onion Card School

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How do we theme the Discworld Deck? (re-read 1st post please)

  • Option A ~ Regional

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Option B ~ Suit associated (match character to hearts etc)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Option C ~ Grouped by Series

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • Option D ~ Ranked characters (Death = Ace)

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Option E ~ Inclusive/Random (all 54 character cards)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Option F ~ something else? Suggest something then clever clogs!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
OK - little update for us.

We have a template for the face cards now and these have been sent out to the artists we have on board so far (Cheery, Mystmoon, Bikkit, archerinwood and Cezzatron) who have expressed definite interest in designing for us. ;)

I've changed the thread title to reflect what we're now designing for and as we have 62 cards from 8 suits, 8 Jokers and 22 higher Caroc cards that all need artwork there's more than enough work for everyone who's interested in drawing to join in :laugh:

Because we're now going to have a presence at the Birmingham Convention I've also re-jigged the back design(s) for the cards to reflect that so they now look like this...


I've also had a test print of the number cards and back templates and they're looking good so I think this will work out really well for the original concept on the forum, but also for the convention too as we can have the super duper character set when our designers get going and a bog standard 'traditional' set that I can doodle about with in-between times :laugh:

I was talking to Sjoerd earlier this evening on the subject of the convention and how to theme this as the Monks of Cool are asking us and we think a Temple of the Lady (aka a casino come fortune-tellers salon) is probably the way to go :twisted: If any of you are going and can play poker we'd also welcome players there on the day or in here in formulating gameplay for Cripple Mr. Onion as time goes by - many, many ways to contribute to this you see! :laugh:

The Mad Collector

Sep 1, 2010
Ironbridge UK
I agree with Dug.

By the way Jan there was a pamplet published a few years ago with the full rules and some gameplay suggestions for Cripple Mr Onion. I do have a copy but it is packed away (along with lots of other things I now realise I want / need :rolleyes: ) When I finally move house I will dig it out


Jul 28, 2008
I think the fewer rules the better :laugh: As for theme, didn't the monk of cool mean we should fit it into the con theme? Because I can't work out what it is! And I don't know what Eighnnnnnn means o_O

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
Thanks for that link Tony and the one that you gave earlier MAD on the Wikipedia portal - the pamphlett will be most welcome when you can get to it too but we've got the time on our side so no sweat ;)

Like Dotsie's saying the simpler we make it the better so whilst we can use what's out there for guidelines I think for the convention we should focus on the known similarities with poker and blackjack (and gin rummy too) and treat the 'event' literally as a card school or workshop and let the players run with it using the 2 playing sets we're making :laugh: In other words, we've got plenty of time to look at it and some decisions are going to be easy enough because we can mix and match Roundworld and Discworld equivalents.

Some things are different on Discworld, for instance Caroc has only 12 cards per suit in the minor arcana (numbers only go up to 8 but then they have a Knight as well as the Knave/Jack in the court group), so that means we have to adapt there immediately to make them match our traditional version of 13 cards per suit. There are more cards, 30 in the major arcana for Caroc, which would mean using it in it's entirety for divination is really not viable, because in Roundworld we only have 22 higher cards, but these can be translated into Discworld equivalents as they're not all specified by Terry so we can take the canon more loosely in that and adapt it to something that people can use without too much alteration. ;)

The Eighnnnnnnn :laugh: Note there are 7 N's :twisted: I'm also rather at sea with what the theme is, but it's loosely to do with the nature of Discworld magic and the power of Eighnnnnnnn... Here's what Chairman Brian has to say on the subject

Brian Nisbet said:
To counter the shock of being in the second decade of this still rather new and shiny millennium we’ve decided to look back down the long line of Terry’s books and go back to the beginning. As this is the Eighnnnnnn convention, we’ve taken our inspiration from The Colour of Magic and The Light Fantastic and the remarkable journeys of the Disc’s first tourist and the most (in)famous wizard of all. You can expect to savour the delights of Ankh-Morpork, to fear the roar of Dragons, to marvel at the expanse of the Rimfall and to hope, above all, nobody counts to the wrong number and attracts the very worst kind of attention.
This is why Sjoerd and I were thinking in terms of a 'Temple of the Lady' (so a casino in other words as she doesn't have 'official' worshipping places) and with the Caroc being about fortune-telling this also dovetails neatly into the theme as she's there with Fate the whole time in the 1st 2 books. The rest of the theme then falls into place easily enough in terms of the gambling aspect and to make things more Morporkian we could open it up for other Discworld games 'in the room' but on a casual 'drop in' basis for the duration as it's not clear yet what this would be. We might not need a lot of space for this so it could be held in the ops room or the costuming room for instance with just a card table or we might have one of the side rooms for a morning or afternoon and people can come in to have their fortune told by meerkat or try a game of CMO or even play Thud or the Ankh Morpork game if people bring their own stuff in so it's not going to be a big deal to organise necessarily... Gods that sounds naive, but you know what I mean :laugh:
Jul 27, 2008
Stirlingshire, Scotland
The Mad Collector said:
I agree with Dug.

By the way Jan there was a pamplet published a few years ago with the full rules and some gameplay suggestions for Cripple Mr Onion. I do have a copy but it is packed away (along with lots of other things I now realise I want / need :rolleyes: ) When I finally move house I will dig it out
I know the feeling Mad now I have my books back along with other bits and pieces I'm dodgeing around boxes while rebuilding book cases, now where was that I seen it a minute ago. :laugh:

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
The thing with both decks is that we set out just to do a Roundworld set and as I think those CMO rules are for regular decks too we can play mainstream card games with 'em anyway as well as the Discworld ones ;)

For my own amusement I'm doing traditional designs (so no characters) with a Discworld twist for the court cards to match the number card designs and if those work out I may do a 'purist' set using the correct suits instead of spades etc (so it'll be the trad Tarot suits with crowns, turtles, elephants and octangles (octograms whatever) with numbers to 8 and a knight, but that's a development too far for this purpose ;)

Oh yes - the back design for the convention decks - we'll go with the darker version as that's got more definition like everyone's saying, plus it's more recognisably to do with the forum, so better from a 'branding' perspective ;) I personally prefer the antiqued version without the convention blurb so we can have both alternatives on template if people want to print their own decks - I'll post some photos of them soonish as I'm about there with the production side of that. :laugh:

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
OK chaps - we have a non-specific traditional 4-suit deck and these are the court cards as we know them but with a subtle DW twist... :twisted:

2 extra Jokers I know but I'm also designing for the Caroc minor arcana for deck #2 so we can play CMO. I know these don't look too different to normal cards but if you look carefully at the Kings especially you'll see that there are clues to places on the Disc (or associated with places anyway). ;)

These are 'generic' cards so the character deck design is still very much on but these court cards were produced using the same template so that's all finalised and prints out pretty well :laugh:

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