2012 DW Convention ~ Cripple Mr. Onion Card School

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How do we theme the Discworld Deck? (re-read 1st post please)

  • Option A ~ Regional

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Option B ~ Suit associated (match character to hearts etc)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Option C ~ Grouped by Series

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • Option D ~ Ranked characters (Death = Ace)

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Option E ~ Inclusive/Random (all 54 character cards)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Option F ~ something else? Suggest something then clever clogs!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
We're may be going a bit too fast here ladies - also there were a dozen people contributing and only 9 have voted so there could be another outcome so let's see how it settles overnight? :)

This is Jane's idea so maybe she ought to have 1st choice then in order of arrival so Mystmoon next, then Cheery and Bikkit? That seems fair and it may still pan out as you like anyway - from your posts we had Wizards and the Watch left and if Cheery fancied a change then maybe you'll have some ectomorphs to choose from anyway Jane ;) The Wizards aren't all fat anyway are they? ;)

In the meantime I've done a back design template (front card will have more side space). It's 1:21/2 size and looks OK shrunk down to normal size. :)


Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
paraphrasing said:
Yeah... Can you move the turtle down?
In a word - no. :rolleyes:

Look at the turtle v. carefully in relation to the top of your screen... It's the forum turtle and that's as far as he goes Disc-wise, folks. :laugh:

All the same colour? I can do it as a monotone, but you'll lose the definition of the background especially if you're talking one hard single tone (unless I make it over to a linear drawing).

TBH I'd rather we don't stick to the classic card design ferociously and this is something that you'd all need to bear in mind with the face cards as well, as it'll likely encroach on some of your respective styles? This is a different age so we have more than woodblock, engraving or lithography as options plus you have as much artistic licence as you like and there's nothing to stop you applying elements of the trad approach with your usual technique if you want too ;)

I'll look at line/monotone options and of course I could put more of the disc on so I'll cat around with it to see if I can pull off something more original and not so 'branded' forum-wise, but I haven't really got the time/energy to spend a lot of time on it although I have done a little bit embellishment beyond what I've posted so I'll look at other design iterations later on. :)

OK - well we've had 11 votes now, so it's option C, the series that gets done initially - nothing to stop anyone doing other characters if they like but lets get the templates organised so we have parameters set - back in later on today - in the meantime some feedback, especially from the artists on how we compose the suits

I said:
C: Series Groups
Death (Mort, Reaperman etc) = Spades; Witches (Wyrd Sisters, Wintersmith etc) = Hearts; The Watch (Guards! Guards! Nightwatch etc) = Clubs; Wizards (Colour of Magic, Unseen Academicals etc) = Diamonds

I think the suit allocation does work as I put it in the poll (well I would do, but it does make sense...)

Witches - Hearts because they're community carers
Watch - Clubs because it's a strength suit and Detritus has a big one...
Wizards - Diamonds because they're all smoke (smoking habits) and mirrors (so Witches wouldn't be doing with diamonds)
Death - Spades because Death has to be Ace!
Take it as read it's all the books in those 4 series, so with the Witches it's not just the original Lancre coven but the Tiffany books as well to choose from and think in terms of suitability for the court card and the Ace (as high so Death is THE ONE and so, arguably would Vimes and Granny and the Wizards are pretty much all over the place!) :laugh:

The artists' contribution matters most in this allocation but also if Jane would like to express her preference on which books/suit she wants to illustrate and then in 'joining up' order please (Mystmoon, Cheery and Bikkit) - sorry Bikkit I know that means you don't get a choice, but you can still design others anyway if you're not left with your happiest option ;)


Oct 1, 2009
Boston, MA USA
This is all superfab!

Love the top half of your design, Jan, but I agree with others who say that showing the turtle image without showing the DW itself doesn't work that well. Also, is the thought to erase the words in this design, or are these cards meant as a means of promoting the forum? Love this place to death, but I hate words on the back of playing cards, or, if there was to be some, it should have, at least, Terry Pratchett Discworld and little else.

Series suit ideas and assignments seem very appropo as well. For the 'spades' is the idea here that all four face cards would be from Death series or something a bit more encompassing of the "characters outside of normal life" category? Death and Susan seem like logical choices, but that still leaves two slots open. I'd nominate Lu Tze for one. Maybe Mort for the other?

As for the jokers, I'd recommend Moist and the Death of Rats.

Just my .02. Love this all so far!!!

I think I'll choose the Watch books. :eek: The guards series is my fav, and I've always wondered why they changed from City Guards to Watchmen.
So that'll be Vimes, Angua, and Carrot as the face cards....Vetinari (?) as the Ace, and then the 2 jester cards of the Men at Arms characters Whiteface and Edward/Beano in serial killer mode.


Jun 22, 2009
I'll do what ever's left :)
Doesn't matter what I do as long as I can do something (though I would like to do a Post-office deck when the time comes :laugh: )

As for the card pattern: I had a funny little idea I'm working on now, if the ideas go out.

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
OK Jane - you're down as The Watch and are you OK with them as Clubs? They need a 'strength' suit I think ;) If it was a Tarot deck they'd be swords of course (which strictly speaking converts to spades BUT THAT HAS TO GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!) :laugh:

Vetinari... ish. He's really into everything A-M isn't he, not just the Watch, although that's where he does shines most? Then there's the prob with Kings and Queens because Angua's definitely the Queen, so really it follows that Carrot ought to be King (quite apart from everyone knowing that he's really the hereditary King of A-M)? The way I was seeing it was Vimes as the Ace, because he's really the genius instinctive crime-solver - moreso than Carrot, who has more 'veritas' as a law enforcer - another kingly attribute, which leaves the Jack - and who's the Jack-the-lad playing fast and loose in the Watch? And he is also nobility (possibly)... in Feet of Clay anyway :p I think Nobby would be a brilliant Jack, wouldn't he? Please, please please!? ;)

Sorry Jeff - we gotta see D'eath/Beano and the psycho thug Dr. Whiteface as bona fide and very scary Fools, but maybe Death of Rats and Moist (so fitting to link the 2! :p ) will get a look in later ;)

On the subject of Death there's a number of options of course, but not Lu Tze please - how's he a killer (most of the time)! :eek: Death is Ace of Spades of course, of course! Then we have Susan and both her parents (Mort and Ysabell) - you could argue that Susan gets to be King there (as Queen Regnant with perhaps Ysabell for Queen Consort since she's Death's daughter :p) Albert or DoR would both make good Jacks too I think or Mort if you feel horrible leaving him out...?

Just on the subject of face cards and 'casting' considerations - we're going with Aces high so, on ranking characters the Ace is the top banana power card and so it's the most 'important' character of the series, so Death and Granny who are the no-brainers as they're both 'better' than a King or Queen who are just a shade below.
Kings and Queens - for the Witches Magrat's an obvious choice for Queen as she is one of course, and as I've already said Carrot's definitely a Cop King. :laugh:
Jacks are knights as Jeff's already observed so they need to be a little left field or even errant which is why I think Death of Rats and Nobby are naturally suited to that role...

Hope that helps you with choices for the suit you end up with ;)

Cheery - if you have an idea for the back design then that's fine as we'll have a choice then ;)

OK Mystmoon your choice next out of Wizards, Witches and Death - which one would you like to take? :laugh:


Feb 17, 2009
East Anglia
mystmoon said:
really sorry bikkit, but i would like Death.
So that's Death=Ace
or should I swap Lobsang and Mort? I'l do Death and Susan first anyway and then figure ot the other two
You could always have the Death of Rats as the Jack??

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
As an adept and companion of the stationery cupboard :p Lobsang's more of a King for Susan, so I'd swap him with Mort (an apprentice and short term and pretty lousy Grim Reaper) ;)

Death of Rats would also make a good Jack... if you want more dynamism :laugh:

Bikkit - Wizards or Witches? :laugh:

I have the design template but it's late and I'm knackered so I'll post that tomorrow

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
Yep - it's hard to decide who's best but if you're happy to go with several option we (well you 4 ;) ) could carry on with this for a long time, but for starters let's get a 'core' group of face cards for each suit and go from there? ;)

One thing that's easy are the design templates which are scaleable and I've got the one for the face/court cards for download HERE

and the actual size view

if you're happier to download with that ;)
I'll put the back template on later (for Cheery to play with) and I'll get the revised turtle designs for the back in here tomorrow if not before :)

Bikkit darling - which suit do you want to do Wizards or Witches?

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