Jane - you're down as The Watch and are you OK with them as Clubs? They need a 'strength' suit I think

If it was a Tarot deck they'd be swords of course (which strictly speaking converts to spades
Vetinari... ish. He's really into everything A-M isn't he, not just the Watch, although that's where he does shines most? Then there's the prob with Kings and Queens because Angua's definitely the Queen, so really it follows that Carrot ought to be King (quite apart from everyone knowing that he's really the hereditary King of A-M)? The way I was seeing it was Vimes as the Ace, because he's really the genius instinctive crime-solver - moreso than Carrot, who has more 'veritas' as a law enforcer - another kingly attribute, which leaves the Jack - and who's the Jack-the-lad playing fast and loose in the Watch? And he is also nobility (possibly)... in Feet of Clay anyway

I think Nobby would be a brilliant Jack, wouldn't he? Please, please please!?
Sorry Jeff - we
gotta see D'eath/Beano and the psycho thug Dr. Whiteface as bona fide and very scary Fools, but maybe Death of Rats and Moist (so fitting to link the 2!

) will get a look in later
On the subject of Death there's a number of options of course, but not Lu Tze please - how's he a killer (most of the time)!

Death is Ace of Spades of course, of course! Then we have Susan and both her parents (Mort and Ysabell) - you could argue that Susan gets to be King there (as Queen Regnant with perhaps Ysabell for Queen Consort since she's Death's daughter

) Albert or DoR would both make good Jacks too I think or Mort if you feel horrible leaving him out...?
Just on the subject of face cards and 'casting' considerations - we're going with
Aces high so, on ranking characters the Ace is the top banana power card and so it's the most 'important' character of the series, so Death and Granny who are the no-brainers as they're both 'better' than a King or Queen who are just a shade below.
Kings and Queens - for the Witches Magrat's an obvious choice for Queen as she is one of course, and as I've already said Carrot's definitely a Cop King.
Jacks are knights as Jeff's already observed so they need to be a little left field or even errant which is why I think Death of Rats and Nobby are naturally suited to that role...
Hope that helps you with choices for the suit you end up with
Cheery - if you have an idea for the back design then that's fine as we'll have a choice then
Mystmoon your choice next out of Wizards, Witches and Death - which one would you like to take?