2012 DW Convention ~ Cripple Mr. Onion Card School

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How do we theme the Discworld Deck? (re-read 1st post please)

  • Option A ~ Regional

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Option B ~ Suit associated (match character to hearts etc)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Option C ~ Grouped by Series

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • Option D ~ Ranked characters (Death = Ace)

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Option E ~ Inclusive/Random (all 54 character cards)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Option F ~ something else? Suggest something then clever clogs!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Feb 17, 2009
East Anglia
Batty said:
mystmoon said:
really sorry bikkit, but i would like Death.
So that's Death=Ace
or should I swap Lobsang and Mort? I'l do Death and Susan first anyway and then figure ot the other two
You could always have the Death of Rats as the Jack??
mystmoon said:
Yes, original sepia is the best i think, and i think it will probably match our styles as well. Done some idea sketches and i think I might go with death of rats for the jack, simply because he's easier to draw, although surprisingly Lobsang has turned out to be easiest!
I only suggested Death of Rats to keep the group together. Death, Mort, Susan & Death of Rats are obviously 'family', whilst I cannot see how Lobsang is part of that group.

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
The book series option includes Thief of Time so Lobsang and Lu Tze do belong in there but Lobsang's Susan's lurve interest and immortal, unlike Lu-Tze who doesn't get so much inter-action... ;) Time is also inexorably linked to Death of course *sage monkish nod* :laugh:

There is a golden rule with any design project where you need an array of image choices (concepts/themes are different) - never do more than 3 because no one will agree too much on which is best and, more importantly, no one will choose your own fave! Always have an uneven number (above 1) too, as that tends to give more of a split and a tie-break option :rolleyes: :laugh: PMSL

I like the antiqued one now however Mystmoon's right because the original (as twiddled - you have no idea how long it took me to add the rest of the Disc onto that - my eyes were throbbing for ages afterwards! :eek: ) will fit with front designs if people are sticking to their usual styles... Yet more food for thought, but I would be more comfortable with some common factor for the pictorial side. 8)

I'll get tidied up versions of all 3 in here and a blank back template (different to the front one) later - housemate's home today so no tight deadline as he's going away for the weekend and therefore I will need a major distraction later when he's found all sorts of 'urgent' chores that need (not!) attention... :rolleyes:
Jan Van Quirm said:
The book series option includes Thief of Time so Lobsang and Lu Tze do belong in there but Lobsang's Susan's lurve interest and immortal, unlike Lu-Tze who doesn't get so much inter-action... ;) Time is also inexorably linked to Death of course *sage monkish nod* :laugh:
it's also an excuse to draw a kung fu pose! :twisted:
deldaisy said:
raisindot said:
Jan Van Quirm said:
Revised turtle and no Terry titles

Original sepia
Love this!!!!!! Perfect!

Me too!
*peers really closely at that thing sticking up in the middle of Discworld.. .... what IS that?* :eek:
Cori Celesti isn't it? The big mountain on the Hub

Jan, I may be late in doing this, as I've just had a load of rotoscoping work dumped on me and it will take me ages because it freaks me out

*shudders* i have to do 1533 of them buggers :x i may be gone some time...


Oct 1, 2009
Boston, MA USA
Jan Van Quirm said:
The book series option includes Thief of Time so Lobsang and Lu Tze do belong in there but Lobsang's Susan's lurve interest and immortal, unlike Lu-Tze who doesn't get so much inter-action... ;) Time is also inexorably linked to Death of course *sage monkish nod
I'm not doing the artwork, so you can take my comment with the grain of salt it deserves, but I advocate Lu Tze at least being the Jack. Much as I like Lobsang, he's a one-novel character, wheras Lu Tze has an pivotal role in three books and is just about as important in manipulating "extra'-mortal" events as Susan and Death are. Then again, I don't really like Mort all that much either, since he's a pretty lame, one-book character that doesn't deserve to be elevated to "kingly" status. Thus, I might recommend, instead:

Q=Lobsang (lower than D&S because both of them can exist outside time)
J=Lu Tze (the only mortal, but the one who does the fdirty work for the semi-immortals)

This way, you can have four extremely popular mover-shaker characters in the set, instead of wasting a space on losers like Mort and comedy sidekicks like the DofR, who I'd make one of the Jokers.



Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
Jeff - it's the suit for the Death book series (ie ones in which he doesn't turn up just to trim the spirit away) and yes they share ToT with the History Monks, but you could argue that the History Monks have their own series with Small Gods and Nightwatch too, although they're more your oriental holistic heroes in that they share the top billing with other series. Lobsang is only in ToT and he's got inferred jolly rights with Susan, so he simply belongs more than Lu for now anyway... ;)

I'm sure we're gonna have this debate with the Watch as well, but they're a stronger team in that they keep getting new recruits and are anyway the biggest series cast list. For now as we're getting distinct groups together for Witches, Watch, Wizards and Death & associates and the artists have the top option of suits based on the principals for those series to consider. The history monks are great fun and I'm sure we'll get to them pretty quickly once we've had a practice with the method :laugh:

We're gonna have some random 'spares' going in as our artists are having a tough time deciding who to exclude more than include but I think I can make the templates mix and match for the face cards anyway in the end - they'll have the same template as the number cards so we'll maybe end up with full character deck for the traditional playing cards.

I'd rather like to try for a full tarot deck as well, so for the Major Arcana for that there's several power cards that Lu-Tze will be perfect for (Heirophant, Hermit, Temperance, The Chariot for starters) and the trad cards also translate to Wands (clubs), Coins/Pentacles (diamonds), Cups/Chalices (hearts) and Swords (spades) so we have plenty of heirarchy to apply different options and characters to - or completely random or tailored. But that's getting ahead of ourselves ;)

Mystmoon - no worries with getting the artwork in. Jane can't start yet either until schools out so there's not going to be any vicious deadlines for this :laugh: That is one scary pic though! :eek:


Dec 29, 2009
Jan Van Quirm said:
I'd rather like to try for a full tarot deck as well, so for the Major Arcana for that there's several power cards that Lu-Tze will be perfect for (Heirophant, Hermit, Temperance, The Chariot for starters) and the trad cards also translate to Wands (clubs), Coins/Pentacles (diamonds), Cups/Chalices (hearts) and Swords (spades) so we have plenty of heirarchy to apply different options and characters to - or completely random or tailored. But that's getting ahead of ourselves ;)
Since I'm not involved in this I thought I would just add my ha'pence worth; has anyone considered a 'Top Trumps' set? ;)
Whoa, full tarot? That's like 70 something cards....how many of those are face cards? :eek:

I guess if we finish the regular deck, we might do some extras just for personal entertainment that could be incorporated into another.
I've got half a mind to do a Pyramids set with Vorbis, Teppic, Ptraci, and Chidder.

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
Sorry to alarm you Jane - :oops: Tarot and the rest are long term and if people want to carry on making sets. ;) Let's concentrate on getting this ordinary deck of 54 done so we get the method and then we can be looser when we've got the templates working.

OK this is the back design template that's good for all the cards

and the finalised (tarted up) backs :p

I'm going with ordinary outer corners rather than rounded ones for the whole lot because you need 'specialist' cutters for that and so it wouldn't be great for home printing :)

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