2012 DW Convention ~ Cripple Mr. Onion Card School

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How do we theme the Discworld Deck? (re-read 1st post please)

  • Option A ~ Regional

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Option B ~ Suit associated (match character to hearts etc)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Option C ~ Grouped by Series

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • Option D ~ Ranked characters (Death = Ace)

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Option E ~ Inclusive/Random (all 54 character cards)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Option F ~ something else? Suggest something then clever clogs!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
OK BP :laugh:

So far the only practical things we've got done are the back design template above and the face design template HERE on the previous page (p.6) for the courts and ace front. These are both 21/2 actual card size of 60mm x 87mm.

We're doing Option C with a view to D in that we're trying to look at the pecking order within the suits so with the Death series Mystmoon looking at Death for the Ace, Death of Rats for the Jack and Susan and either Lobsang or Mort for the King and Queen which could have Susan as the King as she's more valuable than Mort or Lobsang.

Jane wants the Watch and has ideas for the Jokers as well and Bikkit has the choice of Wizards or Witches as Cheery doesn't mind what she does. I'm sure there'll be bit and pieces for you to pick up.

I've done some back designs with variations on 1 theme so if you have a better idea then go for it using the template. :) There's also the number cards which I'm picking up as they're not going to be characters (for now anyway unless people get very carried away :laugh: ) so they'll be more graphicky, although I'm looking to maybe ringing a few changes perhaps to Discify them depending on how bored/busy I get over Xmas... :p
Penfold said:
Jan Van Quirm said:
I'd rather like to try for a full tarot deck as well, so for the Major Arcana for that there's several power cards that Lu-Tze will be perfect for (Heirophant, Hermit, Temperance, The Chariot for starters) and the trad cards also translate to Wands (clubs), Coins/Pentacles (diamonds), Cups/Chalices (hearts) and Swords (spades) so we have plenty of heirarchy to apply different options and characters to - or completely random or tailored. But that's getting ahead of ourselves ;)
Since I'm not involved in this I thought I would just add my ha'pence worth; has anyone considered a 'Top Trumps' set? ;)
Awesome idea! Why has that ot been done yet?


Jun 19, 2010
Jan Van Quirm said:
We're doing Option C with a view to D in that we're trying to look at the pecking order within the suits so with the Death series Mystmoon looking at Death for the Ace, Death of Rats for the Jack and Susan and either Lobsang or Mort for the King and Queen which could have Susan as the King as she's more valuable than Mort or Lobsang.

I've done some back designs with variations on 1 theme so if you have a better idea then go for it using the template.
Absolutely love your back design, Jan - the antique one rocks!

I love Lobsang and Lu-Tze - Thief of Time is one of my favourites - and although I sort of get the History Monks' connection with Death (and certainly get Lobsang's connection with Susan ;) ), I think the court cards will work best if there's a simple logic, rather than our DW-influenced one! So, for me, Death has to be Ace, Mort the King, Susan the Queen and Death of Rats the Jack. Yes, I know Susan is a more central character and I'm arguing against every feminist bone in my body :rolleyes: , but it's just logical to have the only female character in this quartet being the Queen.

*rushes off to play with Barbie dolls*


Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
Okey doke, peeps - let's take our time with this. No pressure or deadlines and have some fun with it ;)

Mystmoon's made a good point about keeping stylistics together at least within the suits, so I'm not married the any of back designs as they should 'fit in' with the fronts. What I've got so far is the same image with different filters that's all and it took me about half an hour to do the monotone and antiquing after I'd got a full disc made (you're stuck with the full disc though, because that took me about 4 hours rubbing, erasing, opaquing, daubing and merging layers, over an area less than 2 sq. cm - but we shall not speak of that again OK? :p ) :laugh:

Be back in later on with some cheap downloaded samples of the adjusted basic trad layout for the court and number cards, so that'll be a mirrored/palindrome side designation for the card numbers and K, Q, etc - the face cards don't need this approach unless you want to play with that - I think Jane was saying she wanted to try that? Anyway - just be creative and go with your vision/favoured style for your own suit ;)


Jun 19, 2010
Jan Van Quirm said:
Okey doke, peeps - let's take our time with this. No pressure or deadlines and have some fun with it ;)

Mystmoon's made a good point about keeping stylistics together at least within the suits, so I'm not married the any of back designs as they should 'fit in' with the fronts. What I've got so far is the same image with different filters that's all and it took me about half an hour to do the monotone and antiquing after I'd got a full disc made (you're stuck with the full disc though, because that took me about 4 hours rubbing, erasing, opaquing, daubing and merging layers, over an area less than 2 sq. cm - but we shall not speak of that again OK? :p ) :laugh:

Be back in later on with some cheap downloaded samples of the adjusted basic trad layout for the court and number cards, so that'll be a mirrored/palindrome side designation for the card numbers and K, Q, etc - the face cards don't need this approach unless you want to play with that - I think Jane was saying she wanted to try that? Anyway - just be creative and go with your vision/favoured style for your own suit ;)
Have to speak of it again, Jan, if only to say WOW! You are the Owlswick Jenkins of this forum (and I mean that in a nice way!).

I, however, am very stupid, because although I admire all the styles you've developed for the card back, I said I liked the antique one, when actually I meant the original sepia one. Doh! :oops:


Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
:oops: The Ace isn't mine - :oops: sorry should have said it's a google image search file and I just wanted to plonk in a quickie to show our more original artists how their characters will look mounted up in the finalised layouts.

I'm a graphic artist so for prep work (mock-ups) it's sample images which are sometimes my own but more often something looted from image searches that get across the concept - I should prolly have found a manga skull maybe, but just couldn't bring myself to make Death look 'cute' :twisted:

And yep Verns - first back design is possibly the one that'll 'go' best with the final designs but we'll see how the main events pan out ;)


Oct 1, 2009
Boston, MA USA
Awesome stuff as usual, Jan.

My only teensie tinie comment would be that it would nice if the corner numbers were a lot larger. As someone with piss poor vision I always have trouble reading card numbers, particularly when I play poker (and I'd love to eventually bring one of these decks to one of my poker nights).


Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
Mystmoon - the hood is very important I think! ;)

Jeff - I think there'll be more room for the side numbers and suit designators and certainly on the number cards as they can be mostly grouped away from the edges at top/bottom (I used the 10 as that needs the most room of course) :p

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