2012 DW Convention ~ Cripple Mr. Onion Card School

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How do we theme the Discworld Deck? (re-read 1st post please)

  • Option A ~ Regional

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Option B ~ Suit associated (match character to hearts etc)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Option C ~ Grouped by Series

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • Option D ~ Ranked characters (Death = Ace)

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Option E ~ Inclusive/Random (all 54 character cards)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Option F ~ something else? Suggest something then clever clogs!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Jun 22, 2009
Jan, those look brilliant! Absulutely perfect! :laugh:

I can probably only start drawing the cards in January... :( Got too much stuff to do now, especially making all the christmas presents. (put it in my head to paint a picture for each of my family members and I haven't started yet. I'm so stupid!)
Have you chosen Witches or Wizards yet, Bikkit?
Just tell me which one's left ;)

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
Nowhere visible - oridinarily... :laugh: I think it's on his bottom possibly (or was it his thigh?) but it's been such a long time since it was mentioned :p

I got the basic outline turtle from a tattoo but putting the markings on was great fun - not absolutely sure about the central ones on clubs but I'm gonna resist doing anymore on that else it'll get too prissy (not enough space really ;) )

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
Sorry Cheery - was going out and in a rush. January's fine - I'm only doing stuff now to make the most of 'alone' time this weekend ;)

I'll be able to work on the non-face templates this way so when the 4 suits artwork's ready I can just drop them in nice and easy ;)

If anyone's in touch with bikkit off site can you nudge her in here please as we need to know whether it's the witch or wizard suit she wants to do... :p

Quick sketch concept art character designs. I don't really have much idea of what Carrot would look like, which is why his pic is the blandest. I'd pick Vetinari for Ace.
The final product cards would probably have them outlined, either the Disney style lines where they're one shade darker than the colors they surround, or a black outline to match to the black clubs. Then they'd be colored and cel shaded.
I was just picking the most important characters from the Watchmen series, and put Angua as queen because she's the most important female.
Are we going to be arranging it so the that the characters from the storylines match the suits gender, relationship, and personality-wise?

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
Take no notice of me Jane - Angua's obviously the Alpha Female :laugh:

If I was doing it I'd ditch Vetinari as he's not in the Watch as such (he's far more important than that ;) ), make Vimes the Ace (like Death is for Spades, with Aces high as it's the most valuable card) 'cos he is & always will be the top crime-busting copper! :twisted: Then Carrot's Angua's King and then you could have His Grace, the Duke of Ankh, Nobby Nobbs as the scurrilous Jack ;)

You go with your instincts for this 1st phase - this is fan tribute not corporate branding :laugh:

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
Jan Van Quirm said:
If I was doing it I'd ditch Vetinari as he's not in the Watch as such (he's far more important than that ;) ).... You go with your instincts for this 1st phase - this is fan tribute not corporate branding :laugh:
Lord V's possibly my fave character but to me he's not a Watchman - like I said he's much more than that. He's a universal figure - he's literally the President of Discworld by default, 'cos he's the best and most cunning politician and, as he's pointed out to Vimes more than once there's a difference between being a politician and being a policeman, meaning 'man of the city' to his own 'man who runs the city'. He's not a copper and he's not an assassin and he's not a business man or a banker etc etc - he's everyone's boss in effect.

On J-I-B's little planet(air-kiss to Jeff) :p Vetinari's the Ace of the Moist series - the manipulators, movers and shakers etc 'cos he's the top dog of the top dogs (so Moist would be King, Adorabelle Queen and Reacher Gilt (or maybe Mr. Fusspot) as Jack
Jane said:

So...where do you think we should put his card? Or should we just leave it out and put it into the alternative pick and choose set, if we ever make one?
I've got 2 ideas: a) Vetenari on one side of the box (with A'tuin on the other), or have him on the back of each card. In both cases he could have a suite in each corner?

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow

OMG - we need a box!??? *does headless chicken act* I haven't done packaging for like 15 years or more...! :eek: :laugh:

:laugh: That's a great pic of him and yes we must have him in one set at least (at some stage) - like I said if you want him in your Watch set as Ace, then go for it, as he does generally have more to do in those books. ;)

The way we're going, we can easily have more than the 4 suits we're doing (but build it up over time), or even go for all-character cards so people can do their own idea of a suit set if we want to keep going after this one.

I'm gonna be working on the actual size templates for printing next anyway, so I'll include a 'blank' set up for that for people to mix and match as well the set we're actually working with so if you and the other ladies concentrate on your suits and who you want in them and I'll shut up about the semantics ;)


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Jan Van Quirm said:
Cheeses Bikkit! - :eek: I had to paste that into Word and re-size it before I could read it!

It may be something to do with the angle, but as it's a sketch I'm sure Jane'll squish it up more in the finished pic ;)
Or you could have clicked the Quote button in Bikkit's post and then the back button once you had read it. ;)

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