Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. JUST a bit one sided. Most of these characters are in the astronomy or astropyschics field (as is the author of the piece).
I have NEVER had a problem with scientists and science fiction. In the early days of science fiction the majority of short stories were written by scientists (which is why the majority of SF in the 50's are a "what if" scenario).
Biological hematology, Otorhinolaryngology, Endocrinology, Microbiology, clinical neurophysiology ...... hes a bit more than a general physician Pip! I mean REALLY!
Cathy Reichs, who writes the books that Bones is based on, is an actual forensic anthropologist. She knows what she's talking about and that comes out in the books. Well worth a read!
Biological hematology, Otorhinolaryngology, Endocrinology, Microbiology, clinical neurophysiology ...... hes a bit more than a general physician Pip! I mean REALLY!
Reminds me of reading Bill Bryson's book about Shakespere and how noone knew what he really looked like either tho why someone choose to show him as balding when they could have made him more dashing is not clear
Its very likely that the historical Jesus WAS dark-skinned, short and hook nosed with thick, curly hair. After all, he was a provincial Jew who would have looked very similar to today's Arabs and sephardic Jews.
Indeed, all of those paintings showing him as tall, white, blue-eyed man with long blond hair represent nothing more than Euro-centric wishful thinking.