A song about Windle Poons

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Feb 28, 2011
First time poster here! Hope you don't mind me using your delightful-looking site to draw attention to a song I wrote and recorded inspired by Windle Poons' adventures in Reaper Man...


It's a bit lo-fi, so here are the lyrics:

One hundred and thirty years Unseen
All magicked out, a real has-been
I needed a fresh start, so I died
Now I can kick and scream like Ixolyte

Oh, you know it's a wonderful afterlife
Dock-a-loodle-fod, pass me the scythe
And I'll harvest all your corn for you

I'm going out I may be some time
Down on Elm Street, we're a crowd of nine
Zombie, ghoul, banshee and boogie man
Werewolf, vampires and a mystery man

Oh, you know it's a wonderful afterlife
I'm so glad to be here in the event of my own death, now
Dock-a-loodle-fod, pass me the scythe
And I'll harvest all your corn for you

Oh, you know it's a wonderful afterlife
Dock-a-loodle-fod, pass me the scythe
And I'll harvest all your corn for you

Thanks and all the best,
Feb 28, 2011
Wow, you lot really know how to make a chap feel welcome!

I'll come clean - I've only read three Terry Pratchett books. An ex turned me onto him a while back and since then I've read Reaper Man, The Truth and Guards! Guards! - all three of which now rank amongst the best books I've ever read, if not forming an outright top three.

Where do you suggest I go from here? The next City Watch book?


Sep 3, 2010
Its up to you sixpac. If you loved 'guards ! guards !' get 'men at arms' next . If reper man was your thing try a few of the other death ones , maybe 'Mort' to start.
First one i read was Thief of Time and i think the second was The Truth.

Went back and read them relatively in sequence from there . Either way theres a lot of enjoyment ahead of you and most of us on the forum are friendly so ask any questions.
Theres a mix of people just working there way through the books so you won't be alone in that. :laugh:

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