I tend to prefer variety over comfort myself, but I will agree entirely with Lady Vee in this - Burton is a daring esoteric director and Depp is literally a phenomenon as an A-lister (in that he refuses to play a 'type' and doesn't live in the 'superstar' rathole aka Los Angeles and associated celluloid ghettoes). Artistically they 'match' each other and work well together (I note people aren't moaning about Helena BC working with Burton all the time...

). And in fact they don't work together 'all the time' - well Depp doesn't anyway. Other directors don't necessarily 'get' him so well as Burton that's all.
I saw the film in 3D today - the dance I thought was a little off in terms of 'tone' with the rest of the film, but nevertheless in context with the Mad Hatter's personality. Everything people are saying against this I absolutely loved - do we
really need to be told the original tale again -

No thanks! The storylining and screenplay were well thought out and plausible in the right way which is bonkers for this.
I don't know that the film particularly 'needed' 3D as such (I saw Avatar in 3D a few weeks back and that certainly did make the very most of Hollywood's 'latest' new thing). The 'normal' CGI visual atmospherics were intelligent as well as impressive and I can't fault how the storyline and locations matched up to the edgy spin this brave sequel on Alice's legacy (and paid fitting tribute to Lewis Carroll's creativity - who
wasn't the pervert many people now view him as). A lovely plug too for my adopted county - Antony House (where Alice fled the horrible Lord in the gazebo) and at the harbour at the end of the film (Charlestown). They're even more beautiful in real life