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Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Welcome to the site Sannatjie. I'm so sorry you are going through this. I think it's great that Terry is getting people talking about these issues. As he says - before you can defeat your demons you have to name them. :)


New Member
Jun 7, 2012

Lady Vetinari said:
Batty said:
He has also stated that he has received a letter the other day from a very religious lady who said that Terry should consider his Alzheimer's a gift from God ...

Isn't that akin to Glen Hoddle stating that every person with a disability brought it upon themselves for sinning in a previous life?
How on earth can that woman call herself Religous?!?!?!?
I will say this now that I am religous too - and I certainly don't call my ailments a gift from God - from the devil maybe but not from God! I believe that Life is a gift from God. Alzheimers and Senility is NOT A GIFT FROM GOD!
I agree with you completely.

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