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Oct 19, 2010
Rotherham, England

being an avid rereader of Sir Terry's output, I have bought a Kindle from amazon and am slowly working my way through, as my paperbacks are now rather dogeared.

Does anyone else hear know why Witches Abroad hasnt been released in Kindle Form.


Sep 25, 2010
poohcarrot said:
...or !"#$%&'()=~|@*+?><.,/\ readers too. :laugh:
If it couldn't read punctuaution it'd be a bit of a bugger - just one long sentence from start to finish and no paragraphs. :laugh:
Ahhh, it wouldn't be any good at deciphering grade 8 essays then.
Sep 25, 2010
Oh that, yes, that would be quite easy to decipher and indeed mark. May run out of red ink but easy none the less. I was thinking of an essay I was once given that went for two A4 pages that was hand written and contained NO punctuation whatsover, or paragraphs. Not one fullstop! :eek:

I now have written in my classroom TP's quote 'Sooner or later you have to put your bum on the seat and allow punctuation into your life'. They really don't know who TP is but it's all part of a well rounded education.
Apr 29, 2009
pandasthumb said:
May run out of red ink but easy none the less.
Not allowed to use red ink over here, according to my neighbour, who is a biology teacher.

Apparently, red ink upsets the pupils with dyslexia, so they have to use green ink.
Sep 25, 2010
Bouncy Castle said:
Not allowed to use red ink over here, according to my neighbour, who is a biology teacher.

Apparently, red ink upsets the pupils with dyslexia, so they have to use green ink.
I hadn't come accross that fact before. The Teachers of the State (govt) schools here were told not to use red ink as it negatively affected the morale of students. :eek: Unfortunately you do need a colour that is obvioulsy different to the shades used in the document. I try to use a purple pen for marking as it positively affects my morale. :)

The rat

Apr 18, 2009
Bad Blintz
pandasthumb said:
Bouncy Castle said:
Not allowed to use red ink over here, according to my neighbour, who is a biology teacher.

Apparently, red ink upsets the pupils with dyslexia, so they have to use green ink.
I hadn't come accross that fact before. The Teachers of the State (govt) schools here were told not to use red ink as it negatively affected the morale of students. :eek: Unfortunately you do need a colour that is obvioulsy different to the shades used in the document. I try to use a purple pen for marking as it positively affects my morale. :)
Many, many a moon ago when I took my drivers test (and I was the only one in my family to pass it the first time!) I had a run in with the FAMOUS RED PEN! In the state of Massachusetts you have to have your driving instructor and a State Policeman in the car. When I started my test and drove a few blocks the RED PEN came out and the Statie (as we call them) wrote a couple of things, well I said to myself that I screwed the pooch and just drove and didn’t think about it since I pretty much screwed up from beginning. He only wrote a couple of things in green. When we finished he said that I passed and I said, “Wait! What was with all the red ink?” He said that he found using red ink right away to point out good things make people think that they failed and they relax and drive more natural. And by my experience I do agree. So red ink does have its merits.

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