Angua and Carrot

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pip said:
Is that a genius , billionaire , playboy philanthropist :laugh:
Are you suggesting one of our number is Golden Gladiator, 'ole shellhead, IRON MAN?

Or just Robert Downey Jr? ;)

Already quoting a trailer, :) Did you hear about Joss Whedon's new film he made in 12 days, black and white adaptation of Much Ado About Nothing with a very familiar cast?


Oct 21, 2011
Guernsey, Land of Sea and Granite
poohcarrot said:
shegallivants :p

You ain't gonna win trying to pursuade this lot that Carrot's a great character - most people don't like him. :rolleyes:

The only people who do like him are me and Capt Creation. So that says it all. :laugh:
People don't like Carrot? i've always enjoyed his character, i wouldn't say he's my favorite but i definitely would have liked a bit more of him in "Snuff"
Nov 13, 2011
Carrot pretty much completed his development as a character in The Fifth Elephant, when he shows Angua how well he understands and accepts her werewolf aspect. (Which is one answer to what she likes about him - how many other humans would want a woman who was a werewolf and whose previous er-friend was a wolf named Gavin?) It seems to me Pratchett lost interest in him. From there on Carrot's role is to keep the Watch under control when Vimes has to leave town and to serve as the more photogenic representative of the Watch (eg Thud!) and the one all female Watch members crush on.


Oct 1, 2009
Boston, MA USA
Agreed. Pterry appears to make a very conscious decision in TFE to redefine Carrot's character away from the near-perfect would-be king of previous books to a flawed character whose historical adherence to the principle of "Personal is not the same as important" goes out the wayside. And, for the first time in a Watch book, Carrot's actions are almost completely incidental and contribute little or nothing to the resolution of the main story and in fact complicates things in some ways. In the books that follow, Carrot's role significantly diminishes.

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