I got the FMA DS. game on friday and wanted to post about it because I'm coo- wierd like that. And I'll post about it here because I'm a REBEL (not really. I didn't want to scare the people in te games section)
The game is sort of based on the first anime but sqished. A lot. This means that a) It makes even less sense b) They get most of the plot that they kept in by making 10 min cutscenes (luckily they're skipable) and Al's..diary or something c) ROY and the mustang gang gets less screentime than ROSE. ROSE godammit. This is because rose is in a cutscene. AL has barley more and, because of the squishing, is kidnapped ALL THE TIME. Unfortunatly I'm not joking. He is never NOT kidnapped.
Luckily there are redeeming points, somewhere, and, if you squint a bit and focus on these, you might be able to see past the bad bits. I won't list many of them here, because I can't find them. There are a lot of bonus things including an "Artistic woodchopping" minigame and a... singing glottony. The actual game is your basic "kill monsters, get over spikes (VERY easy with alchemy)..oooh, looky, a boss fight". Unfortunatly, this is all very easy, especially because it practically tells you what to do in the boss fights and also frustratng because it doesn't tell you what to do anywhere else. Also, they kept tose annoying american dubs.
Despite all this, I really enjoyed playing it. This may be because I'm extreamly biased towards FMA. Infact, it probably is. Nevermind.
I give it 3 stars. Because I love it secretly.