I've just watched High School of the Dead. Entertaining, but it's
very important not to let the squicky fanservice in episode one put you off. I get the impression the creators wanted to get it all out of the way as quickly as possible, while making it almost impossible to enjoy it very much, which I suppose they deserve
some (but not much) credit for. If I hadn't taken the word of a good friend, then I would have stopped before the end of the first episode and missed out on a quite enjoyable action/horror series.
Film-wise, I've watched Kiki's Delivery Service, which is one of the cutest things I've ever seen. Sweet, virtually plotless and relentlessly feel good in its approach. At the recommendation of a different friend (who shall be receiving a ding 'round the earhole if we ever meet face to face :|) I tried The Adventure Duo...
I'm not easily offended or grossed out, but that one managed to do both.
BTW, re my question about Legend of Black Heaven a few months ago... It's bloomin' brilliant! Reading a summary of the show doesn't do it justice. The creators manage to turn a silly sounding premise into a touching and highly enjoyable drama. Worth seeking out.