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Jan 16, 2010
Pocklington East Riding Yorkshire
Skaven said:
raptornx01 said:
The Lone Ranger was announced too, but it got scrapped, but now its back again.

The reason it got scrapped? it was going to cost $250 million. i SO want to see that script to see how the hell a western could cost $250 million.
I think it has Johnny Depp as Tonto :p
Now you are pulling our lariat! :pray: :laugh: Aren't you?....

Big Aggie

Jul 1, 2011
meerkat said:
Skaven said:
raptornx01 said:
The Lone Ranger was announced too, but it got scrapped, but now its back again.

The reason it got scrapped? it was going to cost $250 million. i SO want to see that script to see how the hell a western could cost $250 million.
I think it has Johnny Depp as Tonto :p
Now you are pulling our lariat! :pray: :laugh: Aren't you?....
No its all true, the film will be based on Tonto taking the lead roll, akin to Don Quixote's companion Sancho Panza. I really hope it all goes ahead.
Apr 29, 2009
Digital Spy:

Samuel L Jackson has joined the cast of RoboCop.

The Avengers actor has agreed a deal to star in MGM's upcoming remake of the classic 1987 sci-fi film, says The Hollywood Reporter.

Joel Kinnaman will lead the cast of the new version as cop Alex Murphy who comes back from certain death and is turned into a robotic officer.

Jose Padilha will direct, while Gary Oldman will also star as RoboCop's creator.

Jackson will portray TV mogul Pat Novak, who is said to be a powerful figure in the city.

The Killing star Kinnaman recently said that RoboCop will be a "retelling".

Jackson will next appear in Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained, to be released on December 25 in the US and January 18, 2013 in the UK.
Nov 21, 2010
Oh for f :angry-screaming: enough already. There must be so many good writers out there not getting a look in because of all these remakes :(


Dec 7, 2010
Penfold said:
I wouldn't mind seeing remakes of Quatermass* with modern CGI. :laugh:

* The films/series, not our Quatermass! :laugh:
Bouncy Castle said:
Couldn't remake him - he's a one-off! :mrgreen:
They broke the mould after they made me. In something of a hurry, actually... o_O

They did a remake of The Quatermass Experiment TV serial, albeit abridged and live, so no monster. But I would love to see a full-on remake of the serials.

There are some remakes that, while not necessary, do actually do better. The Rebuild of Evangelion films are certainly more impressive than the show it was remaking (Neon Genesis Evangelion), and distill quite a lot of the story, though there is some loss of character development. And while the miniseries adaptations of Dune and The Shining lack the impressive atmosphere and feel of the film adaptations that preceded them, they nonetheless capture the books more accurately, and can have many better elements. And Casino Royale had two versions long before the Daniel Craig version came out. Is the third one not the best version?

And delving briefly into the realm of video games, there are two remakes that are definitively good. The first Resident Evil game got remade for the Gamecube, and it was impressive. So too was the remake of the first Metal Gear Solid game as The Twin Snakes, although there were understandable complaints about new gameplay aspects making things too easy (which varies depending on what part of the game is involved) and the over-the-top action sequences.

Are there any movies I would like to see remade? Not many, to be perfectly frank. One that comes to mind is Dr Mabuse, the Gambler. And I'd love to see a version of Solaris done closer to the original novel. Not to mention a version of A Princess of Mars done a little better than the version (John Carter) released earlier this year, though I'm actually at a loss how such a series, based on books that inspired the planetary romance genre, can be made fresh. James Cameron managed to do it with Avatar, but can it be done with the John Carter books?

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