Another Witches Book?

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Aug 4, 2012

(Sorry - enthusiasm got the better of me)

Hello there!

I'm new here, but alhough I only discovered this message board a few days ago I've been obsessively reading up in my usual slightly worrying fashion, so hopefully I'm more or less up to speed on your discussions. I believe Soul Music was my first Discworld book, lent to me by a friend lo these many moons ago, although not necessarily the earliest one that was out at the time. Or it might have been. I don't know. Since then I've devoured everything Terry Pratchett has written - he's far and away my favourite writer (and I don't intend to qualify that with "modern" or "genre" or any of that nonsense).

My feeling is that there won't be another Witches book - I think I Shall Wear Midnight was intended to wrap up the Witches arc - Tiffany has her coven and is a respected witch in her own right, the tension between her and Roland, such as it was, has been resolved, the chalk is safe under the care of the new Baron and its witch, and so on. At the same time there's a sense of Granny and Nanny going on in their usual way, and a network of new (to us) witches like Long Tall Short Fat Sally and Mrs Proust carrying things on elsewhere in their own different ways.

Equally, I don't think there'll be another Watch/Vimes book. Colon has overcome (or is beginning to overcome) the thing that has always been the worst part of his personality - a certain thick-headed, superficially amiable bigotry. Nobby's love life is finally looking up. And aside from his wife and son, Vimes has finally found a passion outside policing and is "as happy as a cat full of sixpences". I think Carrot and Angua's relationship was as tied up as it's likely to get in The Fifth Elephant.

What more, really, is there to be said?

Not that I wouldn't love more Watch or Witches books - I think the reason Small Gods and Pyramids seem to be the most controversial books in terms of favourite / least favourite is because they're standalone, and for my money I prefer the stories with known / developing characters.

BUT, I feel that these stories have reached the end of a natural arc, and perhaps intentionally so. Sir Terry Pratchett moves in mysterious ways, of course, his wonders to perform, so I could well be proved wrong. But that's my two AM$.

Very pleased to be here.



Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
We are pleased to have you here, OrangeEyebrows (love the username :laugh: )

Welcome to the site!

I think there are are few of us who think this might be the case - but I guess we'll have to wait and see. Terry has been known to get an idea in his head that won't go away until he's written a book about it. Maybe he'll decide that the only people who can deal with this idea are Granny and co. We can but hope. ;)


Aug 4, 2012
Thanks, Tony! And apologies for muffing up with the spoiler warnings. I'll be more careful in future.

Oh, indeed. My personal hope is to see another Wizards book, since I don't think Unseen Academicals entirely tied that up, but I'm also *really* looking forward to Dodger, being a big Victoriana nerd.

Jan 13, 2012
South florida, US
I've said before, but i still think the Bit in I shall wear midnight with Esk was a set up for another story. it just didn't feel like something just thrown in to please the Esk fans wondering what happened to her. whether that could be a witch, or wizard book is another matter.


Aug 4, 2012
I take your point, but I feel as though the Witches and Tiffany arcs have been wrapped up. I'm not convinved Unseen Academicals did the same for the Wizards, though, so perhaps there'll be another Wizards book. After all, even though Equal Rites starred Granny Weatherwax, it was set largely at UU.


May 20, 2012
OrangeEyebrows said:
I take your point, but I feel as though the Witches and Tiffany arcs have been wrapped up. I'm not convinced Unseen Academicals did the same for the Wizards, though, so perhaps there'll be another Wizards book. After all, even though Equal Rites starred Granny Weatherwax, it was set largely at UU.
As I remember it,Tiffany was always set for four books. Now that she's officially an adult (adulthood is rather younger on the Disc than in Roundworld), any further books about her would be adult Witch books. There may or may not be any more about her, but it's unlikely.

I think Unseen Academicals need not be the last Wizards story; there is some potential conflict in the Dean's new university, and the question of who might or might not be promoted to his old place at UU. This "voluntary leaving" bit is new for UU, and they may not have a system to deal with it. They kept Rincewind's old room when he was away for years, but I think Windle Poons had to turf somebody out of his when he returned unexpectedly. Not to mention it might be dangerous to try to take over a room formerly occupied by the former Dean.

On the other hand, Ponder and Ridcully seem to have come to an unspoken understanding.
Jan 13, 2012
South florida, US
It was the Dean that took over Poon's room :laugh:

on adulthood on the disc. i think thats more a rural thing. Most rural people (in my view) tend to have a different view on what constitutes being an adult then us city folk with our completely arbitrary number systems which seem have been set up "just because".


New Member
Jan 7, 2013
Hi everyone!.ive just finished reading all the witches books including tiffany aching. I just dont know where to go next and feel quite sad ive finished them :/ nanny oggs my favourite by far :)


New Member
Jan 7, 2013
Thankyou i will look for that book now :) Yes i have been recommended the guards,Im hoping these books are as good as the witches or better if thats possible :)


May 20, 2012
n4nny0gg said:
Thank you i will look for that book now :) Yes i have been recommended the guards, I'm hoping these books are as good as the witches or better if that's possible :)
They have Sybil, Angua, Cheery... I think you may like them.


Oct 29, 2012
How about, and i know this is a crazy thought... a book about the coming death of granny weatherwax? The old witches have been getting on a bit now, esk is grown up and the tiffany books span 7 years... perhaps we can see how she prepares for the coming end? maybe take a glimpse at her childhood as she reminices (more in depth than we saw in witches abroad) and it would be interesting to see who takes over her cottage, especially when her hat alone is treated like the british crown by the younger witches. More than anything though id like a continuation to esks story at the least, as i recall the last we saw of her she went to save her child from something or other and that just begs another story.

As for the wizards, there is a lot of... potential(?). who gets the deans room? will there be a war between the two universities perhaps? will rincewind return to xxxx and settle down with that girl? (now that i doubt, but still...). I think the wizard books are probably the funniest of TPratchetts novels and there is a lot of openness about them, they can either carry on or end which unlike the aching series (doesn't need another book) or esks story (is very open ended and would bug me for eternity if it didn't get another book) there isn't any pressure, there is a lot of freedom with them.

id also like to know what happened to nutt (also uberwalds history and present come to that, its a very mysterious place, i was very intrigued regarding the old war with nutts... less intelligent kind)
Nov 12, 2013
Tonyblack said:
I remember once telling someone that I loved Dick books. :oops:

After that I made sure to say books by Philip K Dick. :laugh:
I used to be a Science Fiction and Fantasy Bookclub member and they called asking me which authors i'd like to see in future catalogues. Similarly to to you i said i'd like Moorcock, much to the amusement of my family.


Nov 5, 2013
simmonds91 said:
More than anything though id like a continuation to esks story at the least, as i recall the last we saw of her she went to save her child from something or other and that just begs another story.
I don't remember that? Was that in Midnight, or in a short somewhere?

It looks like for years people were asking about Esk and he didn't want to take that on, he said it was because he now had Tiffany, but people like me wanted to know about the adult Esk, not the 9-year-old Esk.

I thought it would probably involve bicycles, but they hadn't been invented yet. Looks like now they have :mrgreen:

But he's freed her up from the UU now, which might give him room for new ideas. The Wiz stuff is the slapstick side of Diskworld, so dealing with something almost-serious like women at the UU wasn't going to happen beyond the Mrs Whitlow level.


Nov 5, 2013
raptornx01 said:
... it just didn't feel like something just thrown in to please the Esk fans wondering what happened to her.
That's exactly what it felt like to me! I will never forget her emerging from the rubbish tip just outside the Unseen University. To these old eyes not so much a "subtext" as a "subterraniantext"! I liked the bit about the hairstyle, though. Felt a bit like Jane Goodall. I hope she kept in touch with the Librarin :laugh:

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