Another Witches Book?

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Oct 29, 2012
It was in midnight in one of her conversations with tiffany in the traveling now. I think it was in the last conversation, right before old tiffany revealed herself.


Oct 29, 2012
Slantaholic said:
I hope he gets rid of all the sexism.
The best bit about ISWM was the start of a school. The Chalk no longer has to rely on traveling teachers!
what do you mean sexism?...


Sep 3, 2010
Possibly seeing something that's not there Slantoholic. I would think the exact opposite in that Terry presents women in the Witch and Tiffany books as powerful and well respected. Men who underestimate them tend to get a comeuppance of some sort. Tiffanys gran (technically not a witch) still has a huge amount of respect after her death.


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales

And before you ask, I'm not laughing at you.

I really don't think you "get" it at all. Sexism? Where? Who is being sexist to whom? Why are you so fixated on money? The Witch book harken back to a time when people used their skills in exchange for other people's skills. It's not about money. As far as I'm aware, Tiffany never sells her cheeses. And the money that Nanny made from the apparently only book she wrote all got spent in Maskerade. Nanny saw very little of it.

And why shouldn't teenagers read about incest, wife beating etc.? As Terry has said himself, there is nothing in these crimes that a teenager couldn't read in more detail about in the daily newspaper.

I do not understand your reference to "To Kill a Mockingbird" at all.

Why do young witches work so hard? They are doing an apprenticeship and are, apparently happy to do so. Nobody is making them do these things. They are learning about life and death and all things in between. Yes, they are nurses, healers, morticians, judges, teachers and social workers and a whole lot more. They are respected members of the society they live in and yes, they could probably use magic, but why would they do that when they don't have to?

Being a witch is very different to being a wizard. Terry dealt with the differences as far back as Equal Rites. Wizards use magic to command nature. Witches use nature in all its forms to produce a much subtler and longer lasting magic.

Finally, it was not so uncommon even in the 20th century for young girls and boys to be earning their keep at a very early age. I've known people in my own lifetime who were sent into "service" as young girls of the age of 12. Likewise getting married at a young age. This still goes on in many parts of the world.

It's not sexist - it's the reality of life. That's what Terry writes about and that is why I read his books.


Sep 3, 2010
So the women are presented as competent and capable and well able to manage everything and that's sexist. o_O:
The non monetary thing is because its rural. Money doesn't happen there and that's how it works. until recently most rural economies worked like this. You did favours and gave food clothes etc rather than cash. Terry hits the nail on the head.
Also the Wizards equate to Academia which excluded women so again Terry is making social commentary rather than being sexist.
You keep confusing what he's presenting as rural fact with sexism.
Your mind is picking up and confusing things that aren't there I think.
Also if the rape bit bothers you the avoid all other young adult books.
Terry is presenting the cold truth of reality and dealing with an issue.
This is what a lot of authors do.
As tony said Its the reality of life


Sep 3, 2010
You've based a lot on your own thoughts and experience than what's actually in the books. Your findingvmeanngs from your own mind. Its a tad unfairvto accuse terry for the reality of how women were placed in society and still are in a lot of the world.
If your going to accuse him of anything it is honesty . do you want to sugar coat it and have all his female characters earning money for a 40 hour week in what's essentially a barter based society where both men and women work dawn to dusk .
Oct 13, 2008
Don't know if this has already been said, but I got an email this morning saying the title of the new Tiffany book is............
The Shepherd's Crown!

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