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Tonyblack said:

Even if there weren't any giraffes in Lancre, or even if Graany had never heard of a giraffe, I'm pretty sure she wouldn't admit it. :laugh:
It's not said by her in the story. Just as a throwaway 'gag' by the author...XD


Dotsie said:
I'm prepared to stick my neck out (!) and say, there are no giraffes in Lancre. Not one.
Thank you. That's what I needed XD
*has a new running gag for her MSTs*


Anilori said:
It's a shame, though... Lancre's practically a vertical country, isn't it? The giraffe could have its feet in one village and its dinner in another. And children could toboggan down its neck. I say Lancre needs a giraffe :idea:

(Sorry, I'm tired)
Well, right now Ponder (in the audience at the mst) is trying his best to explain to Ridcully that there actually AREN'T any giraffes in lancre all of a sudden

Cool Middle Name

Apr 2, 2011
Cardiff, Wales
pip said:
Nanny Ogg definitely sings about Giraffes in the Hedgehog song during Wyrd Sisters so they definitely know of Giraffes in Lancrse -

with the giraffe, If you stand on a stool. But the hedgehog
I'm pretty sure there weren;t many full versus of the hedgehog song and that they were mostly made up by fans prior to the release of Lords and Ladies.

Can you post me the full paragraph?


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Cool Middle Name said:
I actually live in the same city as the moderator who posted this, so I get all the John Brown jokes ^^

Question: What will be Terry Pratchett's next adult book? Is that Snuff?
Welcome to the site fellow Kairdiffian! :laugh: Yes, Snuff is going to be the next adult book due in October we think. ;)

The Mad Collector

Sep 1, 2010
Ironbridge UK
Cool Middle Name said:
pip said:
Nanny Ogg definitely sings about Giraffes in the Hedgehog song during Wyrd Sisters so they definitely know of Giraffes in Lancrse -

with the giraffe, If you stand on a stool. But the hedgehog
I'm pretty sure there weren;t many full versus of the hedgehog song and that they were mostly made up by fans prior to the release of Lords and Ladies.

Can you post me the full paragraph?
Granny Weatherwax had done many unusual things in her time, and it took a lot to make her refuse a challenge. But this time she gave in.

“I think,” she said helplessly, “that it might be a good idea if you have a quiet word with Nanny Ogg one of these days. Fairly soon.”

There was a cackle of laughter from the window behind them, a chink of glasses, and a thin voice raised in song: —with a giraffe, If you stand on a stool. But the hedgehog—” Granny stopped listening. “Only not just now,” she added.

Cool Middle Name

Apr 2, 2011
Cardiff, Wales
Granny Weatherwax had done many unusual things in her time, and it took a lot to make her refuse a challenge. But this time she gave in.

“I think,” she said helplessly, “that it might be a good idea if you have a quiet word with Nanny Ogg one of these days. Fairly soon.”

There was a cackle of laughter from the window behind them, a chink of glasses, and a thin voice raised in song: —with a giraffe, If you stand on a stool. But the hedgehog—” Granny stopped listening. “Only not just now,” she added.
NOW I remember.
This was one funny part of... Wyrd Sisters, I believe.

Cool Middle Name

Apr 2, 2011
Cardiff, Wales
My name is a reference to the name Agnes gave herself in Maskerade, Perdita X Nitt, which Pratchett disguised her reasons as being a person with a Cool Middle Name.

(Maskerade is the only Witches book I HAVEN'T read - it's a small world.)

Cool Middle Name

Apr 2, 2011
Cardiff, Wales
Thanks, folks! :p

Well, my REAL middle name is Katie *sob* but I'll be heading over to the Welcome forum now.

This has seemed so far a friendly, intelligent community and I hope to participate and assist in its development.

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