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Oct 1, 2010
Brisbane, Australia
Tonyblack said:
deldaisy said:
Welcome to the site Cool Middle Name!

Go over the the Welcome thread and tell us something about YOU.
She's SOOOOO bossy! :laugh:
:laugh: AM NOT!

Weeeeeeeell.... its just that not everyone reads EVERY thread and we need to welcome our lovely newbies PROPERLY LIKE! And get them to put their birthdays on the birthday thread so we can wish them gooey Happy Birthdays and stuff......

I tried to stop using my middle name about ten years ago....(when I found out where it came from) and then it bit me in the bum when I had to sign a whole lot of legal papers saying my name WAS my name.... so much hassle it wasn't funny.


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
I don't have a middle name. My parents started off well giving my two oldest brothers middle names, then they seem to have run out of imagination for my next oldest brother and me. The had a brief bit of inspiration when my sister was born, but were back being boring when my youger brother came along. :rolleyes:


Hey folks, I again :laugh:
Could someone help me listing of Hex's parts 'chronologically'?

As in, how did he start of, what is the when it comes to parts, when where they first mentioned and when did one part take the place of another. (and please, correct me if i'm wrong)

I have
Glasstubes with Ants and cardboardthingies (SM)
Glasstubes, Ants, Cardboard replaced by keyboard, unreal time clock (IT)
Quill and Paper replacing dice with occult symbols (LC)


I know :laugh:
To unveil things: I'm trying to make a little compilation for thise who try their hands on Discworld Fanfiction and want to have an easier way to look up details...


Jul 28, 2008
Good plan. There were some upgrades in UA, don't remember exactly what, something about having a voice and an opera mask.


So far I have listed most of the wizards, Vimes (particular) and Vetinari. All from the main novels (and the compendium to some degree) of course, as the diaries, mappes etc are sometimes hard to come by.


Oct 1, 2010
Brisbane, Australia
archerinwood said:
I have a great middle name. My full name is Charles Darwin Harman, or charlie as my preffered name.
Charlie... you may HAVE to work in the museum.... some things you just can't run away from...

Names that match the occupation.... just a sample...

Richard Seed is a pioneer of reproductive technology.

Cardinal Jaime Sin is former head of the Catholic Church in the Philippines.

Prof. Martin Braine is an American cognitive psychologist.

Prof. John Wisdom is an American philosopher.

Dr. Mishe Feinmesser (which means knife), is an Israeli surgeon.

Dr. Fingers is a well-know gynecologist in Australia.

Lake Speed is a NASCAR driver.

Dr. Dick Bone is an osteopath.

Patricia Feral is an animal rights activist in Stamford, CT.

A guy name Hooker runs a bait shop.

George Hammer used to own a hardware store in Louisville, KY. His son, Pete Hammer, now owns it.

The expert on deformed frogs (a problem in Minnesota) is Professor Hoppe of Southwest University of Minnesota.

In Maine, there is a veterinarian named Dr. Beever and a physician named Dr. DeKay.

Bruce Payne and David Swett are authors.

There is a law firm in California called Payne & Fears who represent employers in employment litigation.

At the British Guards Depot, the chief medical officer was a Captain Blood, his assistant was Lieutenant Butcher; the Dental Officer was a Major Savage.

Dr. I. Doctor, Eye Doctor, is an ophthalmologist.

There's a used car dealership was owned by Karl Krook.

At the Oscar Mayer plant in Madison, WI, the FED meat inspector is named Mr. Carrion.

Dr. Metzger is an orthopedic surgeon. The name translated from German means "butcher."

Jared Wooley raises sheep and Dr. Bone is an orthopedist in Buffalo, NY. Back in the '70s there were two urologists in Rochester, NY named Dr. Cocky and Dr. Wee.

Dr. David Toothaker is a dentist in Arkansas.

There is also a Dr. Coffin, Dr. Fearing, Dr. Sorrow, Dr. Pray and Dr. Death (pronounced Deeth) who should probably change his name or his profession.

And not to be outdone by Yanks, Bracebridge, Ontario, Canada, boasts of an optometrist named Gord Looker, an electrician named Bruce Sparks, a heating contractor named Mr. Freeze, a sawmill operator named Jordan Plank, and Jim Crook manages the local penitentiary while his assistant is Susan Penwarden.


Apr 21, 2011
Berlin, Germany
just around the corner from me there's a gynecologist called (translated) dr fishfat. in german his name is just a bit different, but i can't write THAT as my second post.

anyway, i do have a question about nightwatch, and the whole internet couldn't answer me this (also, i was looking for a discworld forum :) ):

in nightwatch, vimes calls knocker by his real first name, winsborough. "besides, he had given him his real name. the man never used it in public, for fear of the panic it might cause."

why should that name cause panic? because it's a nobby name? or am i just too not-british?

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