Accents and Pronunciation
fanahoria said:
I want to ask you. How does Detritus sounds in English?? I mean with this particular way to talk ("Der" instead of "The" and so on) Does it sounds Russian or German or what? and Nobby? and Serafine von Uwervald? If its not very dificult to explain
Just read on a bit and realized that I'd misunderstood the question
(see below). I agree pretty much with what's been said. As for CMOT, I thought the cartoon portrayal of him got his accent pretty much spot on (in '
Soul Music' and to a lesser degree '
Wyrd Sisters'. He first appears about 4 minutes into this clip
Soul Music - Episode 3 part 3).
Edit 1:Just read Tony's reply. Of course, Eric Idle, the classic spiv. To be fair (to myself) that's pretty much what CMOT did sound like in the clip I linked.
I thought that apart from the lisp Jeremy Irons's voice and accent were just right in '
The Colour of Magic' (it's about 2'20" into this clip:
The Colour of Magic - episode 1 part 3). The lisp is just wrong. I wish the actors would read some of the books to get their characterisations right. I mean, David Jason? I think he's a pretty good actor and I like the things he's done, but not this. Rincewind was just not right. Hard to say exactly what was wrong, but he's far more sympathetic in the books. More world-weary, brow-beaten rather than mean and he came across as pretty mean in this portrayal. I digress… Rowan Atkinson as Blackadder, hmm. Pretty good. The accent's definitely right, but I always imagined Vetinari as softly spoken - understated. He doesn't need to shout and speaking softly makes him more menacing
, in that uderstated, implied threat-of-possible-nastiness way of his

What about Vimes? I always imagined him being fairly well spoken with a gruff voice.
LilMaibe said:
I have
Glasstubes with Ants and cardboardthingies (SM)
Glasstubes, Ants, Cardboard replaced by keyboard, unreal time clock (IT)
Quill and Paper replacing dice with occult symbols (LC)
? What's FTP? There was a Ram's skull too, but I don't know where that appeared. It was one of the later books. Best joke in '
Hogfather' (the film) was the
"Anthill inside" sticker on Hex, made to look like the Intel ones
Sjoerd3000 said:
I don't have a middle name too!

My sister has one though
Mine's Nicholas. My first name's Martin. My parents always intended to call me Nicholas or Nick, but thought 'Martin Nicholas Pretzel' sounded better than 'Nicholas Martin Pretzel'. In Germany your christian name doesn't have to be your first name, but this has caused much confusion here, so I always use the latter; it avoids being addressed as Martin. It's not that I mind Martin (I used to hate it), just that I don't immediately respond to it.
end of edit 1
I originally thought this was a question about pronunciation of the names. I'll keep what I wrote, as I'd be interested in other peoples' opinions.
I'm not aware of any pronunciation guide for the Discworld books, I can only tell you how I pronounce them. I'm sure there'll be some differences of opinion but here goes:
- I used to pronounce Detritus Deh'-tri-tus (with a short 'i') but have come to pronounce this the same as the word Deh-try'-tus
- There can't be much controversy about Nobby, it's Noh-bee'
- I pronounce Serafine Seh'-ruh-feen although a German pronunciation would be Zeh'-rah-fee-neh.
- As for Uberwald, with my German background I pronounce this Oo'-buh-valt although I use the German 'ü' sound, to which 'oo' is an approximation
I hope that helps, but, as I said, there's bound to be some disagreement here
. It'd be interesting to hear other opinions.
I know this is some four months after the original question, but I'm still catching up
- I'll edit as I go along
(I'm on page 17 at the mo)!
And a question of my own: what does XD mean? I've seen it a few times and can't think of anything that fits.