Apart for Terry who do you consider the best writers?

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Brandon Sanderson :3 (anyone heard of him? Brilliant stuff. My second favourite author)
Alan campbell (Steampunk kinda stuff)
Alison croggon
Niel Gaiman
Whoeer it was that wrote The Book Thief :oops:
Ian Irvine
Terry brooks
Robin hobb (like David eddings but better)
Margaret Weiss and Tracy hickman(One word: RAISTLIN)
&many more

I raid the fantasy section for the more obscure things, as you can see.
Aug 12, 2010
OOOH !!!

1. Markus zusak
2. James herbert
3. C j sansom
4. Robyn young
5. James mcgee

pre 1900

2.William blake
3.Edgar allan poe
4.Lord byron
5.Mary shelley

high eight

Dec 28, 2009
The Back of Beyond
Tonyblack said:
I find that Stephen King is somewhat inconsistant. I've read increadibly good books by him and also complete garbage.
Sometimes he does the good and the garbage in the same book. Pinches quite a bit from obscure 60s and 70s British SF and dark fantasy, too.

My favourites? Tons, including:

Kipling (Best short story writer in the English language)
Keith Roberts (Second best. Also a grumpy old sod and general misanthrope. My kind of guy. :twisted: )
China Meiville
Robert Holdstock
M R James (Best ghost story writer in the English language)
John Gordon (Second best. Also good at Garneresque fantasy. Speaking of which....)
Alan Garner
T H White
Tolkien (Though he does witter on a bit)
Patrick O'Brian (Best writer of historical fiction and sea stories, etc.....)

And loads more.


New Member
Aug 27, 2010
i have so many faves other than Terry

Stephen King
Clive Barker
John Saul
Shaun Hutson
James Herbert
Anne Rice
Sergei Lukyanenko
Kathy Reichs
Tess Gerritson
David and Leigh Eddings

to name a few i could go on and on.


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
I'm a real fan of Kathy Reichs as well. I've got one of her books sitting there waiting to be read after I've read Monstrous Regiment. She's much better than Patricia Cornwell.


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
BatrickPatrick said:
I'm suddenly very into Gregory Maguire...Wicked FTW
I'm curious. I've seen the letters "FTW" in various places on the Internet but when I try to find what they mean I get either "For The Win" (which I don't understand) or F*** The World (which I do).

What does it mean? o_O
Tonyblack said:
BatrickPatrick said:
I'm suddenly very into Gregory Maguire...Wicked FTW
I'm curious. I've seen the letters "FTW" in various places on the Internet but when I try to find what they mean I get either "For The Win" (which I don't understand) or F*** The World (which I do).

What does it mean? o_O
When I use it I mean "For The Win"...I should really just use an ordinary adjective but I've been on too many forums and have picked up bad habits...

Urban Dictionary says:
(2)English Translation: For the win.
-\A term which can be originated to a popular game show "HollyWood Squares" when , on the final move contestants would announce their move was "For the win".
-\Used oftenly when giving importance to a specific noun.(ei. "My computer, FTW")

high eight

Dec 28, 2009
The Back of Beyond
Tonyblack said:
I'm a real fan of Kathy Reichs as well. I've got one of her books sitting there waiting to be read after I've read Monstrous Regiment. She's much better than Patricia Cornwell.
I've never forgiven Patricia Cornwell for not only accusuing Walter Sickert of being Jack the Ripper :rolleyes: but destroying at least one of his paintings in a loony attempt to prove it. :x

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