This is a Vimes and Carrot comparison, yet I have not seen Night Watch mentioned once.
I prefer Carrot, because books starring Vimes remind me too much of fanfictions. He always ends up in pain one way or another, and the words 'wince', 'grunt' and 'sigh' appear way too often. Not as often as in fanfictions though. My friend uses these things on Hellsing fanfictions revolving around
Alucard for christ's sake, so maybe I am overreacting a little having seen a character hard as rock being turned into a mary sues in my friend's fanfictions. I can't bear to read any fanfictions any more because they all contain the same stories, and the majority of them on any topic seem to be written by fourteen year old girls, or by boys who can't spell a single word correctly. I haven't read any Discworld fanfictions except for some on here, for the reason that they may destroy my perception of the series.
{Although, in Twilight's case, the fanfictions are better than the books. And I am saying this as a collector of the Twilight books. ^^)
Also Carrot is a much more entertaining character for me than Vimes. Vimes is too in-depth for me. I know that is why he is loved. Perhaps when I finish reading 'Thud!' and get the plot out of the way, I can focus on Vimes himself. Carrot was a great knockback to Dwarfish stereotype, like the opposite of modern real 'dwarfs', which are just short people with an unfortunate illness.
I liked the Discworld books made around the end of Kirby's days, the middle bunch, because they were really funny and readable. The books made more recently were almost a bit of a drag for me to go through.
I'm with the young adults here who would vote Carrot
every discworld fan I know from school really likes the earlier books, Guards or not.[/b]