Are you a Vimes or Carrot (Wo)man?

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Oct 1, 2010
Brisbane, Australia
Beautiful Dirt said:
spideyGirl said:
deldaisy said:
Beautiful Dirt said:
meerkat said:
Good choice, Spidey! ;)

My trouble starts when it's a descision between Vetinari or Vimes! o_O
If I was spoiling myself I'd go for both :twisted:
:laugh: :laugh: Me too. We are talking about to have over for dinner right?

Oh come on.... you can have more than one. Would you ask me to chose between my children?
Dinner and dessert ;)
Don't forget the nightcap ;)
Giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirls.... you just stay there in the dining room and enjoy your food. ;)

*leads Vetenari and Vimes up the hallway to look at her.....* Oh what the hell.... C'mere boys! :twisted:
Apr 2, 2011
Cardiff, Wales
This is a Vimes and Carrot comparison, yet I have not seen Night Watch mentioned once.

I prefer Carrot, because books starring Vimes remind me too much of fanfictions. He always ends up in pain one way or another, and the words 'wince', 'grunt' and 'sigh' appear way too often. Not as often as in fanfictions though. My friend uses these things on Hellsing fanfictions revolving around Alucard for christ's sake, so maybe I am overreacting a little having seen a character hard as rock being turned into a mary sues in my friend's fanfictions. I can't bear to read any fanfictions any more because they all contain the same stories, and the majority of them on any topic seem to be written by fourteen year old girls, or by boys who can't spell a single word correctly. I haven't read any Discworld fanfictions except for some on here, for the reason that they may destroy my perception of the series.
{Although, in Twilight's case, the fanfictions are better than the books. And I am saying this as a collector of the Twilight books. ^^)

Also Carrot is a much more entertaining character for me than Vimes. Vimes is too in-depth for me. I know that is why he is loved. Perhaps when I finish reading 'Thud!' and get the plot out of the way, I can focus on Vimes himself. Carrot was a great knockback to Dwarfish stereotype, like the opposite of modern real 'dwarfs', which are just short people with an unfortunate illness.
I liked the Discworld books made around the end of Kirby's days, the middle bunch, because they were really funny and readable. The books made more recently were almost a bit of a drag for me to go through.

I'm with the young adults here who would vote Carrot :p every discworld fan I know from school really likes the earlier books, Guards or not.[/b]
Apr 2, 2011
Cardiff, Wales
One thing fanfictions use that is NOT seen in any discworld book is unnecessary Hugging. How I hate seeing people who have the emotional ranges of a rock suddenly comforting each other with hugs.

PS: In 'Equal Rites', was that when we were first introduced to the 'million to one' theory? Granny Weatherwax said 'Million to one chances crop up nine times out of ten'. Then it was reintroduced as a key theory in 'Guards! Guards!'

Hey, it's not just because of Carrot that I prefer the earlier books, namely Guards. It is because of Sybil and the dragons as well :laugh: a much more key part.
Apr 2, 2011
Cardiff, Wales
deldaisy said:
Haven't seen you around for a while Cool.... nice to see you again.
Nice to see you too Deldaisy. Reason I haven't been around is because my net is down again D: so I only have net access until I go home tomorrow.

I've missed you all :'(

And I am itching to discuss the three books I got recently.

One Man Bucket

Oct 8, 2010
One thing Carrot has over Vimes is more can be written about him. Vimes as a source of plotlines has almost been wrung dry whilst Carrot has got stuff like his views on the changes in dwarfdom, his relationship with Angua and the Elephant in the Room [his kingship].


New Member
Dec 10, 2010
deinitely Vimes for me tho i would like to see another stroy on the lines of Jingo where Fred and Nobby get to develope a bit more


Aug 25, 2011
Nth Notts
Bouncy Castle said:
I adore Vimes.

Rincewind cracks me up.

Carrot, I can take or leave, though his loyalty to the Watch and to Angua cannot be faulted, and he's very useful in difficult situations!!

Fred and Nobby are sublime, as is, in his way, Vetanari.

I could go on for ages about all the characters, but I don't really think there's one I really can say that I dislike.

And as for Otto von Chriek and his reaction to flash photography.... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
I agree with Bouncy Castle on almost all of the above quote accept the adoration of Vimes . . . He merely happens to be my favourite character of the two on offer.

And Otto's solution for his aversion to flash photography is sheer brilliance :laugh:

I must say I've been having immense fun reading over older (well from the first page really) posts on this and other topics around the forum


Oct 1, 2010
Brisbane, Australia
Be careful Jaeger.... when I first joined I read allllllll the posts... you know... get a feel for the place.... it took bloody days and by the time I had caught up they had posted another ten pages or started another 50 threads!

Fun though huh? :laugh:

Just keeping up day to day is hard enough though.

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