Autocondimentors possible source

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May 20, 2012
I forget when we first hear about autocondimentors. I know Ridcully is one, and we get Wow-Wow Sauce in Reaper Man, so that may be where it first appears. Anyway, there was a question as to whether Sir pTerry invented the concept or only the word. I have just this evening come across a pop-science article from June 2016 that mentions the phenomenon without using the word! The article was about how "being yourself" can sometimes hold you back, and "behaving like the person you want to be" is more useful for personal development. In the article, the comment was made:
'In one fascinating study, when a steak landed on their plates, high self-monitors tasted it before pouring salt, whereas low self-monitors salted it first. As the psychologist Brian Little explains, “It is as though low self-monitors know their salt personalities very well." '

The link to the study only produced an abstract that didn't mention the salting test, but the study was done in 1974, long before Discworld began.

The article that mentioned it: ... am%20Grant

The abstract that was linked:
Self-monitoring of expressive behavior.

Journal Article Database: PsycARTICLES
Snyder, Mark
Snyder, M. (1974). Self-monitoring of expressive behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 30(4), 526-537.

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