I don't know... I'm not afraid of getting old. I mean... it's just a number... er... I can't really explain what I want to say...
Let's take my granny for example. She's 73. Retired, but still full of activity, though lightly handicapped by her hip. She's outside all day, doing something in the garden. When she get's tired, she watches one of the many dvd's we've bought her (you know, the ones you can get in the supermarket). When her grandchildren are there with her, we play cards, boardgames, cook together, etc, etc...
What I want to say is: I wouldn't want to be old without having done anythng in life. I mean, my granny has been a teacher for something like 50 years, she has for children, five grandchildren, four dogs, 30 chicken, three ducks, a beautiful garden... I can't imagine myself in a little flat on the 8th floor with lots of cats and the postman as only company. In 50 years, I hope to be a nice old lady with a huge family, and I'll be happy like this...
Nothing to be afraid of. It's all up to you. The way you look at it. If you make something of your life, you don't have to worry about anything. Regrets kill happiness. If you live without regrets, act without having to regret something, than you'll be a happy old lady. (Wow, did I just say that?)