Bartimaeus Trilogy, anyone?

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From Wiki:
An Artemis Fowl movie has been confirmed by Eoin Colfer.[13] In an AFC interview, Colfer stated that the screenplay was still being written, but pre-production was at a standstill because of the recently-ended WGA strike.[14] He stated as a joke that it would be finished "two years after he died." [15]

In an August 2008 interview, Colfer stated that "we are finished writing it, now we are just waiting for the green light."

In addition, at the 2008 Hay Festival Colfer stated that a dispute was being settled over whether the film should be a CGI production or shot in live-action, with Colfer apparently favouring the latter.[citation needed]

According to Colfer, the movie will combine the plot of the first two books and there will be a new ending to it, but the rest of it will be true to the books.

Same as this, I'd like to see the Artemis Fowl sequel on the big screen, but no hope for that either...
Wait, are you talking about an Artic Incident movie? I hadn't known the first was was out...I remember seeing "Win a role in the upcoming AF movie!" printed at the back of the books. That was like 4 years ago. :p I wonder how long that'll take.
I expect it'll take ages...
2 years after Colfer dies? Ha, 2 years after I die, maybe. :devil:

There's going to be another AF book - Atlantis Complex.
When is he going to stop writing them? I thought it was fine to finish it at 3, and keep it a nice neat trilogy. I'm getting tired of seeing Opal Koboi return again and again and again.

Also, after book 3, he turned into a nice guy, and now character development's flatlining and I'm getting bored. o_O
Good guys going around doing good things...*sigh* It's getting like the Ender's Game sequels.
Jane said:
There's going to be another AF book - Atlantis Complex.
When is he going to stop writing them? I thought it was fine to finish it at 3, and keep it a nice neat trilogy. I'm getting tired of seeing Opal Koboi return again and again and again.

Also, after book 3, he turned into a nice guy, and now character development's flatlining and I'm getting bored. o_O
Good guys going around doing good things...*sigh* It's getting like the Ender's Game sequels.
Really? Now, that's good news. :laugh:
I don't know, Jane. Where are we now? Six, maybe? OK, I agree, Opal Koboi's getting to be a bit boring, but I like those books. Mostly I like Butler... ;) Anyway, as long as Colfer is writing them, I'll be reading it. ;) It's like Terry Pratchett (only Sir Terry is much-much better): even if they'd be writing about scientific breakthroughs in the XIXth century, I'd enjoy it. ;)
HOTDARN!!IgotloggedoutandnowIhavetoretypethis. :x

I feel like the series is getting a little stale and stagnant. They should call it "Artemis Fowl and the Return of the Return of Opal Koboi (Again.)"
Hmm...I like Holly the best, and maybe Juliet if she ever shows up more than a few paragraphs. I think that HollyxArtemis is kinda weird, since they're different species. Just like that EdwardxBella stuff.
But I'm the kind of person who thought that the time when Henry Tudor married his dead brother's widow was unnatural and wrong-ish. Maybe I'm just too old fashioned.

Yes, Terry Pratchett is better! His jokes come more often, and don't have that "try-too-hard-to-be-funny" feeling that I sometimes get with Colfer.
Oedipus didn't know.
People like Bella, however, do know exactly what they're doing and who they're doing it with, which freaks me out.

It also scares me when old people get married. When I read "A View from Saturday", the grandparents getting married in the retirement village grossed me out. I just can't help but think about their wedding night...probably with a bucketload of diamond shaped pills with a Pfizer logo printed on...*gag*

Other things that make me uncomfortable are relations between relations,
animals, furries, children, the morbidly obese, and inlaws.
I don't want to be old. :( I don't want to have to have reading glasses, or wheeled walkers, or be pitied by the younguns as I board a bus, metabolize food, pick up the phone, or answer the door s...l...o...w...l...y...
I asked my friends about getting old, and they're afraid too. I have a friend who's said: "I'm not going to be old".
I'm happy to live with hormones, impulses, lack of foresight, tendency to follow trends/fads/peer pressure, poor prioritizing, and bad judgement for a bendy young body that can process junk food like a snap and run a mile and do a somersault and use the toilet without help. Darn, I really sound like a Voldemort.

Love doesn't know age limits, but it can be really weird. I was weirded out by an 18 year old girl and her 63 year old boyfriend with grandkids. D:

I dunno...Maybe I'm secretly employed by Stephenie Meyer to convert people into Cullen Clubbers and make them watch Eclipse.
I don't know... I'm not afraid of getting old. I mean... it's just a number... er... I can't really explain what I want to say...
Let's take my granny for example. She's 73. Retired, but still full of activity, though lightly handicapped by her hip. She's outside all day, doing something in the garden. When she get's tired, she watches one of the many dvd's we've bought her (you know, the ones you can get in the supermarket). When her grandchildren are there with her, we play cards, boardgames, cook together, etc, etc...
What I want to say is: I wouldn't want to be old without having done anythng in life. I mean, my granny has been a teacher for something like 50 years, she has for children, five grandchildren, four dogs, 30 chicken, three ducks, a beautiful garden... I can't imagine myself in a little flat on the 8th floor with lots of cats and the postman as only company. In 50 years, I hope to be a nice old lady with a huge family, and I'll be happy like this...
Nothing to be afraid of. It's all up to you. The way you look at it. If you make something of your life, you don't have to worry about anything. Regrets kill happiness. If you live without regrets, act without having to regret something, than you'll be a happy old lady. (Wow, did I just say that?)
Hmm...I think I don't want to die because I haven't done anything worthwhile with my life. Also, because living is so fun! I like warm blankets on cold mornings, hot beef stew with mushy carrots, the breeze on a sunny day, peeing after 10 hours of holding it in...

Maybe one day I'll be content enough to not worry about dying, but currently, I would probably sell my soul and pull a Dorian Gray. Or eat a philosopher's stone. Or drink that Tuck Everlasting water.

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