Best book for a big budget film

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Jan 13, 2012
South florida, US
MerlinPowered said:
Guards! Guards! would be awesome. To see Errol zooming around at supersonic speeds would be great on the big screen. :)
oh my yes. thats how i picture it when go through it. seeing his lift off, feeling the bass booming around me, then the shock wave. and keeping the bit about him going by in silence before the big BOOM.

also, i would give anything to see the where's my cow scene in thud on the big screen.

Night watch would be the cheapest, especially if they already have the sets built for previous watch films.

yeah, basically, i'd want all the watch books as movies, but those especially.


New Member
Jul 30, 2012
[*Maybe because I have just reread it.... Witches Abroad.

It suits the money making formula alot of "kids movies" have these days of entertaining the kidlets immensely with the fairytale references they would pick up on, and it would amuse the adults with all the jokes that would go completely over the kids heads. :laugh: ]

Well, they'd have to leave out the killing of the suffering wolf that was too human...

Though not a good introducer to people who don't know the discworld characters, I'd love to see "Lords and Ladies" on big screen. I adore the whole story from page one to the very end.

So I'd go for "Guards! Guards!", because of the dragons, and the good introduction of the watch series. Jeremy Irons as Vetinari is perfect, me thinks. But who indeed would play Vimes?


Sep 17, 2012
Treacle Mine Road, Ankh Morpork
Hmm.... I'd like to see Guards Guards too. I don't think it would work to do the Watch series out of order, so you'd have to start with that.

Who to play Vimes? Hard one. Someone compared Vimes with Gibbs in NCIS and it took me a while to get my head round the idea, but I wonder if Marc Harman (Gibbs) could pull it off? I've never seen him be a real action hero, but he wouldn't be an actor if he couldn't, and he's a good one. I don't know if I could go with an American accent though, the whole thing is so English, I'd hate to see it go over the waves. As with all film adaptations, whoever plays the parts will fit in with some people's imaginations and be totally wrong for others, it depends on which picture was in our minds first. I'd love to see drawings of Vimes from the readers fingers. They'd all be so different. Of course the book cover says a lot, but do we go with that in our heads, or do we create something quite different?
Apr 29, 2009
Someone once suggested (don't know whether it was here, or another forum) that Ken "Rebus" Stott should play Vimes, and I can't picture anyone else playing the part since.


New Member
Sep 18, 2012
Ingolstadt, Germany
For me it would have to be "The Last Continent", its a book I can read over and over again, but not a good read on long haul flights, you get strange looks when you suddenly burst out laughing.


Sep 17, 2012
Treacle Mine Road, Ankh Morpork
Come to think of it, who the heck would play Nobby Nobbs? Computer avatar? Or clever make-up? I can't even picture how he looks. Maybe Michael J. Pollard could have done it in years gone by, but sadly he might be better suited to Cohen now (I just looked him up and he's 79!)


Apr 16, 2012
I would like to see a five movie series of the granny weatherwax novels (wyrd sisters-carpe jungulm), however the one problem is that each movie would have to have quite a different tone

Wyrd sisters- absolute madness, particularly at the end
Witches abroad- very whimsical of course
Lords and ladies- quite dark and violent, methinks
Masquerade- just plain fun, I think, with a bit of a dark undertone
Carpe jugulum- one for sorrow...


Sep 6, 2010
Nottingham, UK
I love the idea of Witches Abroad being a big budget film.

Also Carpe Jugulum.... fits in perfectly with the world's obsession with Vampires at the moment :laugh:

I always get stuck on who would play the characters though. I would adore Granny to be played by Hetty from NCIS:LA, but she's far far too short. Maybe the lead woman from Prime Suspect USA would be good as she's good at playign the kinda harsh reality characters.


May 20, 2012
Somewhere I heard that Terry had finally gotten back the film rights to Mort. Is it likely that Pixar will come asking again, having got half way before it turned out someone else had the rights?
Oct 19, 2012
Time to stick my ten cents worth in I suppose for Best Book To Feature In A Big Budget Film, and my award goes to (drum roll please)..."The last Hero", but only as long as they don't get that that theatrically-challenged idiot Cruise to play Cohen.
Oct 19, 2012
Penfold said:
It would be an ironic laugh if they could get Arnold Schwarzenegger to play the part. ;)

(He doesn't fit my image of Cohen, btw, even with the use of prosthetics and make up)
Hmmm...has possibilities, but I would see any future Arnie has in a DW film as being limited to either the Jailer or Snooork from the Evil Henchmen, or as a stunt-double for and elderly Carrot.


Apr 16, 2012
Thinking about the need for background information in big budget films, I think Monstrous regiment would be a good option for audiences with no prior discworld knowledge.


May 20, 2012
S@mwich said:
Witches abroad- very whimsical of course
I think Witches Abroad could be a very art-concept film. There's all that "reflections" imagery - the mirror on the scarecrow, the reflections in puddles, the physical resemblance, the climactic scene, and the rethinking that is also part of the meaning of the word "reflection." It would work as a satire of things like Shrek. It would have to be funded and made entirely outside Hollywood, though, for reasons that should be obvious. Casting would be crucial, too, and Hollywood would never go for the correct person to play Magrat. But there would have to be a prologue explaining the term "wet", which, frankly, I have never really understood except as a generic term for "someone the popular kids don't like".
Nov 25, 2010
London UK
Moving Pictures - got a lot of references the general (non discworld fans) public are likely to get. Got a love story. Lots of slapstick. Got a big cinematic climax: 50ft woman climbing a skyscraper with an ape in her hand. Made for the movies.

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