Black Covers (Sorry if this has already been done!)

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Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
AndrewWood said:
Hi I'm new to the forums and the novels but I have started my collection with the black covers without realising that Eric and the Last Hero were unavailable. I just thought I'd let you know that I have emailed Orion (new owners of Gollancz) to see if they have any plans on printing the books with covers to match at any point and I will put the reply up when it arrives here so you can know whats going on.
Thanks Andrew! Welcome to the site. :)
Apr 24, 2012
Well I got a reply quickly even if it was a bit short:

Dear Andrew
Thanks for your email.
I'm afraid that we have no plans to match the Corgi covers.
best wishes
Looks like we are just going to have a couple of books in which dont match the rest of them :/
Apr 29, 2009
Just received this email from Amazon.

Dear Bouncy

As you've shown an interest in similar books, you might like to know about The Colour of Magic, which is available to pre-order in a revamped paperback edition. Don't forget's pre-order price guarantee: if you pre-order from us and our price decreases on or before the release date, you'll pay the lowest price.

Is it fantasy? No, it's a different and more eccentric reality, where the world is flat and moves through space on the back of a giant turtle, where death stalks glumly about his duties and dragons only exist if you believe in them. Follow Twoflower, the naive tourist, and his inept guide Rincewind in their hilarious search for thrills, adventure and opportunities to not get killed.

Learn more about The Colour of Magic.



Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Harper Collins are always doing it with the Sharpe books. It just depends on whether you want the entire set in the same format. It doesn't bother me as I'm more interested in what's inside the covers.
Here's a question, would you want a special edition? IE a version of CoM "mucked about by Terry Pratchett"? possibly addressing some of the issues being talked about in the TLF thread?

Its not uncommon. Steve Alten did with his book Meg after he changed publishers ten years or so after it was originally pubbed.


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
I'm not sure. Most people have the updated version of Carpet People, that had a rewrite. I don't think I'd be interested in a new version of CoM though. Unless I got a free copy of course. :laugh:

Sir Samuel Vimes

Jul 3, 2012
I quite like the zany Josh Kirby book covers, but I could see why people would want the neater, more formal covers. It would also lead more superficial people to read Terry's books. I've lost track of the people I've overheard, looking at Terry's book covers (not even reading the blurb / synoposis!), and saying something like 'that's not really the kind of book I read!' :snooty: Their loss, really. I've also overheard some people saying, 'No, that's a Children's book, dear. Look at the cover.' :rolleyes: They've obviously never heard of the quote : "You have to write whichever book it is that wants to be written. And then, if it's going to be too difficult for grown-ups, you write it for children". I find more depth, philosophy, science and truth in TP's novels than in most so-called 'classics' - most of which are a huge disappointment.

Sir Samuel Vimes

Jul 3, 2012
Exactly my point. Isn't it more than a little ironic that some librarians don't understand the saying 'don't judge a book by its cover'! ;)

Edit: Removed my Mr. Parker's comma.


Sep 3, 2010
Sadly in a world with so many books it is what a lot of people do. Terry's profile is high enough now that it doesn't matter but i'm sure he missed a few potential readers in the past. A lot of the long term readers i know got into Discworld by reccomendation rather than taking a chance on the books

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