I remember Jeffery Archer *
washes slime out of mouth immediately* when he was incarcerated - if you can call it that -
finding out the hard way that one can't wriggle out of writing awful things indefinitely. That (and his perjury) gave him a long overdue introduction to the real world of us lesser plebs :twisted:
Does he still write? Does any one know? Or care?
Someone (was it BaldJean or Friede?) was saying the other day about history being the victor's tale, but sometimes the reverse is true as well. Karl Marx for instance has gone through it from both sides and survived in various levels of popularity if only in academia
Marx said:
"The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles."
What's viewed as beyond the pale in some eras is acceptable in others. Nobody can read every book in existence, so everyone to some extent is self-censoring in what they select to read and what they reject. How awful if nobody had ever read
The Communist Party Manifesto or
Das Kapital. Communism's got a tarnished rep these days but what a concept to miss out on! That everyone
could be equal! Amazing - for all the wrong practical reasons maybe, because we're all venal competitive opportunistic story-telling apes who are all, almost to a man, woman, child and third sex, extremely good at deluding ourselves on just how great we are. But
he changed the world and gave the 'masses' more than opium, religion and especially TV to chew over whilst they sank back into apathy.