Books that changed your world

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Aug 18, 2011
All hail Eris!

Books that changed my world?

Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea's Illuminatus! series.

Not easy books to read but they reward time and attention and frequent re-reading.

I shall speak more later - Terry Pratchett has obviously read them as there are unmistakeable references and homages in the Discworld!


Aug 24, 2011
Berlin, Germany
Definitely 'The Little Prince', Robert Jordan's series 'The Wheel of Time' and 'P.S. I Love You' by Cecilia Ahern. The first mainly with all the hidden wisdoms, the second with the whole fantasy stuff and creating worlds in one's imagination and the third one with its view on death and losing someone close and getting over it.
Oct 10, 2009
Oh my, I had not seen this thread. Books that changed my life? Oh this is easy.
You know, as a little girl I didn't read, and at school they made us read some boring stuff (and I had my mom to read that for me) (yes, for me, not to me). Then one day, after so many times I had seen my dad reading, I took up one of his Agatha Christie's books and read it. I liked it so much I read all the others and joined a library, where I found the first Terry Brooks, The sword of Shannara, loved it and loved the characters, so I knew fantasy books and started looking for other fantasy stories.
Saying to everyone that I loved fantasy books, I got someone to suggest Discworld, so I bought The color of Magic and fell in love. That brought me to buy the books in English because they weren't being translated and I was fed up with waiting, saw the little writings at the end of the book, went taking a look at the site out of curiosity, discovered this forum, joined probably the same day, had a lovely welcome and decided to stay.

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
:laugh: And the rest as they say is history!

Funny how we can say we fall in love with books - I say it all the time, but I guess that's a testament to the power of words in the right hands. It's the story and concept that gets us I suppose? Anyway - I'm a sucker for it :p


Aug 30, 2011
When I was about 10 I read Agatha Christie's "The murder of Roger Ackroyd" and loved it! I then read every AC book. I even won a prize in the local paper when I was about 12 because you had to match the halves of the titles of AC books, but they'd made a mistake which I pointed out to them and I won tickets to see 10 little indians at the theatre - it was brilliant! :laugh:
Oct 10, 2009
PoohKarrot said:
When I was about 10 I read Agatha Christie's "The murder of Roger Ackroyd" and loved it! I then read every AC book. I even won a prize in the local paper when I was about 12 because you had to match the halves of the titles of AC books, but they'd made a mistake which I pointed out to them and I won tickets to see 10 little indians at the theatre - it was brilliant! :laugh:
Funny, I was about 10, too. 10 or 11, I'm not sure, only my first book was "Am I a murderer?" ... :laugh: ok wikipedia tells me the original title is "third girl", but in Italian they changed the title :rolleyes:
I still love them ALL

Jan - I don't use the same expression for all the things I like, but with TP books 'falling in love' is the best explanation. :p


Nov 23, 2010
Oooooh, lemme see......

Hans Anderson
The Brothers Grimm
Iain M Banks

These people made worlds, so in a way they changed my world, since I live half in them and half in reality (whatever that is)

Illusion and Reality - The Meaning of Anxiety - David Smail -very life-changing.


Oct 1, 2010
Brisbane, Australia
You know what I was discussing with my adult child the other day?

This "How books can change your life" type of we are book lovers and read factual books as avidly as fiction. (we are geeks with no apologies)

Some people I have met have whole libraries of "self-improvement" books... and no problem with that; I have read some myself.... but some people seem it beneath them to read fiction or heavens forbid Sci-Fi or FANTASY! :eek:

I suspect they are the same people who "only watch National Geographic Channel or the News on TV"

Books CAN change your life (and I suspect I am preaching to the converted here as I know we are all book lovers to some degree some of us more than others).... but some fiction books can teach you big lessons just as well as the "self-help" books; and I unashamedly cite the DW series without making any particular references.

Yes some fiction is a wonderful brain rest or a time to go to another reality or world.... but some resonate and can change your perception of how you view the real world too.


Oct 21, 2011
Guernsey, Land of Sea and Granite

deldaisy said:
Beyond: Well of COURSE Nightwatch. Though I can stare at the cover for hours. And yes I have dropped authors for different personal reasons. My father always taught me "Consider the source" and it applies in SO many areas of life. A book reads completely differently when you find out the author had a VERY serious moral flaw. You begin to see where it creeps in.

BaldFriede: I always loved words. I saw the picture books as seperate works.. the art / the words but not together. My little one who has a neuological processing disorder has always only loved the words. Even when I read to her as a baby she would trace the words with her finger.

The book that won't go away....

Independant People by Halldor Laxness. Nobel Prize for Literature in 1955.

I brought it only because of the prize. I SLOGGED through it (and I never read books that make me SLOG even "classics") but something kept me reading.. it was torture. I hated it. Page after boring page of men talking about the diseases of sheep and nothing else. I still hated it 100 pages in... it was slow, boring, pedantic, horrible... then something shifted in my brain and I was there. On an Icelandic croft pre World War 2, although it could have been 600 years before,with a handful of worm infested mangy sheep in waist deep snow in the most god forsaken landscape imaginable, following the grinding daily misery of a heartless, cruel man, Bjartur who's only aim in life is to keep this handful of sheep alive at the expense of the lives of his suffering family. As long as the sheep lived, they could die.

Laxness is famous for making you see the soul and virtues, if only a glimmer, of a souless person.

Into this book about sheep (and thats what it is ;) ) is thrown a mix of fear for the local ancient gods and mythology that even though Bjartur refuses to acknowlege, weighs heavily in his life. And its a love story... a cruel, twisted, story of love that is so wrong, and so full of hate and retribution.

When I finished the book I immediately started it again.. and realised the pages and pages of the men talking about sheep diseases had another four, five layers to them. Everytime I read it I see more and more and more. It stays on my bedside table. Has done for years.

Its not a feelgood book. Its a hard book to recommend. I don't agree whatsoever with Bjartur's views or how he treats people or himself. I don't understand how the people around him stay (apart from necessity) or bear thier existence. But this book is in every cell of my being. It lives with me. I wish it didn't sometimes... it didn't so much as "change" my life as become part of it.

and also reading Hans Laxness' biographical notes certainy proves his writing.
Ooooh been meaning to read that for ages now, I shall put it into my amazon basket.
Nov 15, 2011
Books that have changed my world are;

Pet Sematary by Stephen King. I was very young, maybe 14. It was a rainy weekend & I went to the library to see if I could find a book that might interest me. I asked the librarian for something good and she handed me Pet Sematary. I think it was the first adult book I read and I was hooked. I don't think I read anything other than Stephen King for the next few years.

The other is The Hitch Hikers Guide To The Galaxy. I was completely blown away by this book. I'd never read anything like it before and I really loved it. I remember annoying my friends by talking about it all the time :rolleyes:. But most of all I made lasting friendships from total strangers who I discovered were into Douglas Adams, and through their recommendations I found Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman, Raymond E Feist, Kurt Vonnegut, PG Wodehouse. Even Shakespeare & philosophy. Anyway, I won't go on. Needless to say it is my favourite book.

Edited: I'm so stupid, I said Terry Pratchett but I have to include his Discworld. Discworld has changed the way I think about alot of things. I can get my head around politics & religion a little better for one thing.


Dec 7, 2010
Hmm...books that changed my world...

Well, I can't say this for any one book. So I might as well list some and my reasons for including them.

While I cannot recall exactly which Doctor Who novelisations I read first, the first that I owned, and which cemented my fanaticism towards the series (as well as my already established enjoyment of reading), were The Day of the Daleks by Terrance Dicks, and The Invasion by Ian Marter.

The next book I mention, I had read when younger, but it took me until I was much older to be truly impressed by it. This was the book that had actually impressed on me that I wanted to try and write something that tried to approach the same cultural depth and scope. This was Dune, by Frank Herbert.

I think these three had the most impact on me. :think:
Nov 25, 2010
London UK
Conan the Conqueror by Robert E. Howard


Asimov's Mysteries by Isaac Asimov

Got both for my birthday when I was 12. the one started me on the Fantasy track and the other on the SF track and I've been following both ever since.
Jan 13, 2012
South florida, US
I never read books as a kid (except for school). comics, yes, but not books. Never liked art (read: couldn't draw). only ever really listened to pop music (80's and 50's pop oddly, since my parents had a good sized 50's cd/casette collection o_O ). Until one movie came out in '93 when i was 13...

Jurassic Park

I fell in love with it and immediately got the book. the first novel i ever bought and loved it even more. hell, i was so green, the fact that Michael Crichton names his chapters instead of numbering them completely threw me off and when i first flipped through it i thought it was collection of short stories. The fact i could understand it still amazes me since he can be very technical. and my love of novels grew from there, first getting the rest of his works then expanding outward. even gained an interest in writing myself, just too bad i never finished a single one.

in addition i got the soundtrack, loved that and gained a love of instrumental music and from there a love of all types of music. even now i'll try anything, may not like it, but i'll try it. my music collection is very baroque.

I bought the huge making of book and enjoyed the artwork in it, got into drawing and an interest in CGI, and art in general.

basically, it didn't open my mind, it blew it apart, leaving a cavernous void for new experiences to flow into it.


May 8, 2011
Sunnydale Highschool
Homeless Hublander said:
The knife of Never Letting Go -read it far too young and traumatised me so much that I can't bring myself to read the next couple of books.....
I borrowed that off a friend once and never got around to reading it. :rolleyes:
Jan 3, 2012
author3 said:
Homeless Hublander said:
The knife of Never Letting Go -read it far too young and traumatised me so much that I can't bring myself to read the next couple of books.....
I borrowed that off a friend once and never got around to reading it. :rolleyes:
I'd recommend reading it, but if you are an animal lover prepare to take one straight to the jaw!
May 8, 2011
Sunnydale Highschool
The only life changing books I've read are Discworld by Terry Pratchett and Goosebumps by R.L Stine,I read them when I was about 5-8 years old and they are the reason why I love reading and why horror is my favourite genre :laugh:

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