breakthrough for Alzheimer's and 130 illnesses

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Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Thanks vernes. We don't actually know whether Terry reads this site, so let's hope he gets to see the article.

With the amount of 'miracle' cures that are apparently around at the moment, one wonders how come this disease still exists... :)


Oct 1, 2009
Boston, MA USA
Everything from drug therapies to drum beating, macrobiotics, aromatherapy and pancakes is always a "promising" therapy. Hell, I could say that reading DW books is a 'promsing therapy for Alzheimer's.'

Promising until the point when 99% of these things are proven that they don't work.

Let me know when one of these actually passes legitimate scientific research trials that pass the strictest international peeer group reviews . I can then let my Alzheimer's afflicted family members know about it.

Until that time, all of these things are just speculation at best.

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