Can anyone 'splain Fifty Shades of Gray to me?

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Jul 26, 2008
Michigan, U.S.A.
The new 50 shades?

More Twilight fanfiction getting published:

At this rate, authors of "Twilight" fanfic landing publishing deals is starting to feel as commonplace as tabloid-famous "celebutantes" landing reality TV shows. We can only hope the miny-trend wears out its welcome as quickly as Paris Hilton. Or the "real" housewives of Beverly Hills. Or the Kardashians. Or... You get the idea.

What are we on about? According to The Hollywood Reporter, like E. L. James, creator of the "Fifty Shades of Grey" series, Christina Hobbs and Lauren Billings—the authors of the epic "Twilight" fanfic "The Office," if there can be such a thing—have landed a publishing deal.

The pair's "Office" story—written and published online in 2009, before "Fifty Shades of Grey" was a thing—thoughtfully appropriated the Bella Swan and Edward Cullen characters and thrust them into the unexpected, explicitly sexy world of, um, a corporate office environment. "The Office" will, of course, now be rewritten using more imaginative/less plagiaristic character names, and published in 2013 as "Beautiful Bastard." How, exactly, does "The Office" differ from "Fifty Shades of Grey?" Do all these deals send the dangerous message to today's youth that creativity and imagination are to be shunned, and that plagiarism is cool and should be rewarded? And, more importantly, can a movie deal be far behind? What do you think, Hitlisters? As always, let us know in the comments, or tell us on MSN Movies Facebook and MSN Movies Twitter.


Jul 28, 2008
Anything wrong with that? If they asked me to write vampire fanfic I would do it, integrity be buggered. Bored housewives do not want to read my microbiological research, and as a result I will never be famous in my chosen field. *sigh*


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Dotsie said:
Anything wrong with that? If they asked me to write vampire fanfic I would do it, integrity be buggered. Bored housewives do not want to read my microbiological research, and as a result I will never be famous in my chosen field. *sigh*
Maybe you need to 'sex up' your microbiological research then Dotsie. After all, what is a zombie or vampire plague but an analogy for a viral infection? ;) You could make those sorts of books seem scientifically plausible. :mrgreen:


Jul 28, 2008
So after they finish discussing the transmissibility of the vampire virus, they go at it with spanky paddles? OK, I'll see what I can do. Fifteen minutes of fame, here I come! (hey, good title for the book, no? ;) )

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