Went into a card shop in the next village today, which was a bit odd as these places often are, and the owner started chatting to me about how she can't find a book to read next. Then she said that a new book had knocked 50 shades off the top spot, with the comment "I can't believe it's selling better than 50 shades". A feeling of cold dread.... run away! Too late
She insisted on telling me what a lovely romantic story it is, and how you grow so attached to the characters. I'd already paid! I was under no obligation to listen to this, other than that imposed by good manners! "Have you read it yet?" DEAR GOD NO! "No, I've not got round to it yet." "Well I just love stories about vampires and werewolves!!!" "OKthanksforthecardbyethen"
I feel like it's some wierd cult, and everywhere I go strange crazy-eyed women are asking me if I've experienced the joy of Anna & Christian (this I got from card shop lady).