I don't disagree at all - all I'm saying is that Escrowians may have had v. good reasons (or excuses) for submitting to the regime that the new Count brought in, which we don't know about because we only have the Count's account (
) of how it was brought about.
As for the time scale, I thought it said somewhere that the Mayor (who was amongst the first to attack the vampires once Agnes fought back) was the same one who made the agreement. Even if it had been going on for 25 years, the older generation of villagers would still have no reason at all to trust any vampire enough to rationally submit to such a horrible arrangement and would surely have passed on some of their own fear and loathing to their children?
As for people resisting evil - well, frightened people are easily manipulated into doing stupid things. Clever unscrupulous people will exploit that and manipulate the stupidest or least informed ones. The analogy to the underlying political undercurrents and more obvious propaganda posturing that existed in Germany in the 1930s is a studied example of how deeply people can be led by the nose into acts and behaviour that should normally revolt them if the policies are persuasive enough or the promises too tempting to resist.
The parallels between Nazi 'charisma' and the Count's more immediately irresistible mind control as shown in Lancre are akin in effect as I see it. Escrow were better informed than the Lancrastians, even if there had been a generation of 'rest' for their fear of vampires to recede a little - they wouldn't have just rolled over and let their subjugation happen without a 'good enough' reason. Lancre just didn't know what had hit it until it was too late, after the people who might have been able to stop the Magpyrs had been neutralised (including and especially Granny at first).
Agnes and Oats were the wild cards that Count hadn't 'plotted' into his masterplan. Without Agnes, Nanny and Magrat would have stayed blinded by the pink fog (also Vlad wouldn't have been given some pause for thought and brought Agnes to Escrow). Without Oats, Granny may not have made it to the final showdown in Uberwald and brought the Phoenix with them....

As for the time scale, I thought it said somewhere that the Mayor (who was amongst the first to attack the vampires once Agnes fought back) was the same one who made the agreement. Even if it had been going on for 25 years, the older generation of villagers would still have no reason at all to trust any vampire enough to rationally submit to such a horrible arrangement and would surely have passed on some of their own fear and loathing to their children?
As for people resisting evil - well, frightened people are easily manipulated into doing stupid things. Clever unscrupulous people will exploit that and manipulate the stupidest or least informed ones. The analogy to the underlying political undercurrents and more obvious propaganda posturing that existed in Germany in the 1930s is a studied example of how deeply people can be led by the nose into acts and behaviour that should normally revolt them if the policies are persuasive enough or the promises too tempting to resist.
The parallels between Nazi 'charisma' and the Count's more immediately irresistible mind control as shown in Lancre are akin in effect as I see it. Escrow were better informed than the Lancrastians, even if there had been a generation of 'rest' for their fear of vampires to recede a little - they wouldn't have just rolled over and let their subjugation happen without a 'good enough' reason. Lancre just didn't know what had hit it until it was too late, after the people who might have been able to stop the Magpyrs had been neutralised (including and especially Granny at first).
Agnes and Oats were the wild cards that Count hadn't 'plotted' into his masterplan. Without Agnes, Nanny and Magrat would have stayed blinded by the pink fog (also Vlad wouldn't have been given some pause for thought and brought Agnes to Escrow). Without Oats, Granny may not have made it to the final showdown in Uberwald and brought the Phoenix with them....