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Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Tonyblack said:
Official notification that the next book for discussion will be Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents. The discussion starts on Monday 3rd August. You have two weeks to read or reread the book before then. :laugh:
Can we keep this thread for off-topic talk about the discussions and for announcements of future discussions please? :)
Dec 31, 2008
I think this is only the 3rd/4th time I've read it, and actually thinking about it when reading it, it's clearly much more political than I remember, but I'll save any comments till later.
Dec 31, 2008
I never fully understood Maurice when I read it before. I've just re-read it and now it all makes perfect sense. It's a cross between "Animal farm" and Nostradamus, with its future predictions spookily spot on!

I recommend everyone to read it again


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Something to think of before I post the discussion tomorrow.

Is Maurice pronounced 'Morris' or 'Maw-reese'.

I've found that Brits tend to say Morris (as in the car company or the folk dancing) and Americans say Maw-reese as if it were a French name. o_O
Dec 31, 2008
When I read the Watch books, I always think of Angua as Anjuna - a beach in Goa, India. It seems to me to be a better name for her.

I also pronounce Lancre as "Lankrur".

And Ford Prefect as Ford Perfect in Hitchhiker's Guide.

I don't think it matters how you pronounce characters' names, it's subjective.

And anyway, Americans are always pronouncing things differently to Brits eg; bouy, Derby, Arkansas, tomato, Iraq and Iran, zebra etc.


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Of course it doesn't matter. :laugh: There are some books I've read that the character's names are unpronounceable. I just substitute a sort of sound in my head when I get to that name.

I was just curious as I know that a lot of people will argue over the correct pronunciations of even made up names. :laugh:

Another couple of questions - is there a rat in your book called 'Tomato'. The Amazing Maurice Wiki says this is, but my first edition hardback doesn't have such a character.

And when I read the US ARC (Advanced Reading Copy) the sacred book of the rats was called 'Mr Flopsie Has An Adventure' yet the UK copies have it as 'Mr Bunnsie'. What is the version in the US books? Was it changed when it was printed? o_O

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