Fantastic little video! Thanks for sharing.

I was in the Tower twice two years ago, and I never noticed the Byward Angel - but I guess it's off limits to the public? Too bad if it is.

What I wouldn't give to see it - an original 14th-century wall painting! I've seen the Mint in the Tower and the records in the Jewel Tower, but no paintings like this. Wow.
Yes, you're right about Michael and the scales. If memory serves, in Egyptian mythology, Anubis weighed your heart against the feather of Ma'at. Ma'at, the goddess of order, truth, and righteousness, sat on top of the scales to make sure that the weighing was carried out properly. If you did good deeds in life, your heart would be very light (don't ask me how they figured this out), and you could go on to
Aaru (the Field of Reeds, a paradise where Osiris rules). If your heart was unworthy, meaning that you were a liar or a sinner, your heart was devoured by the goddess Ammit, and you would be condemned to remain in the
Duat (Egyptian underworld).
Why was this bad? Well, the
Duat - along with having many normal features like rivers, islands, fields and so on - also had fantastic lakes of fire, walls of iron and trees of turquoise. In the mounds and caverns were minor gods, demons or supernatural animals, which threatened the deceased along their journey. If the deceased could not go on to
Aaru, these minor gods/demons would eat him.

Those Egyptians didn't mess around. One strike and you're out!
I'm not sure what happens in Sumerian religion, though, or how it relates to the Egyptian one.