snk89 said:
Wow. i find it surprising that people prefer Stephen Briggs to Nigel Planer. Ive listened to all the books till Carpe Jugulum. Except for 3, all the books are read by Planer and they are so vivid, colorful. Each and every character's voice seems just right (well maybe magrat and agnes are a bit off but not by much). I just started listening to The Fifth Elephant and i just realized... theres no more discworld for me. It feels like briggs is reading the books to himself and the character are so wierd. I think ill be better off reading the rest of the books with Planers voice in my head..
I guess to each his own. I'm listening to CJ now, and while I prefer Planer's Nanny and Granny to Briggs' renditions, I still feel that Briggs does a much better job of capturing the 'souls' of Pterry's characters, while many of Planers's vocalizations aim for making the characters "funny" but not "depth-ful." His vocalizations of Verence, Magrat, and Agnes make these characters come off as stupid, provincial rubes. Even Sean Ogg seems "smarter" than them.
To compare the difference Briggs's and Planer's style on a apples to apples basis, compare the way they vocalize Igors. In TOT, TFE and beyond, Briggs vocalizes them with a mixture of the classic horror movie Igor inflection but adds a level of erudition and sarcasm that portray them as beings of immense sophistication, wisdom, and, yes, even humanity. Compare this to Planer's Igor in CJ, who comes off as a slurring, stupid monster. That's the difference, I think between the two readers.
But, as always, YMMV.