polythenegirl said:
Thanks! Just thinking that if its £50 a head for the tickets then the cost of the hotel on top could end up being quite expensive so the stayign with his parents might help with that one (and keeps them happy at seeing us!). I think it might be best for my first year then I can venture out on my own at the next one and experience the nightlife as well!
The website makes it sound like you have to have a membership to book a ticket (i.e. the membership fee is the cost of your ticket) - is this not right? Once I've signed up is there then another fee for the ticket?
How do partner tickets work?
The hotel costs are really discounted for our stay but yes, they do add a lot to the cost of the weekend - I have to save up for quite a while to be able to afford it

If it will keep your OHs parents happy then it's probably no bad thing to stay with them.
The membership and ticket are essentially the same thing so you don't need to worry on that score, I'm not sure what you mean about partner tickets though, can you expand a bit and I'll do my best to answer