Do reviews need to be scored at all? The star system's slightly less fussy in that you can see at a glance whether you liked it but where you're actually doing this as an exercise for yourself, as a blog I'm not interested in your rating so much as how you liked and assessed the book - the score is only relevent to you anyway as anyone else could look at it differently?
If we genuinely listened to critics reviewing(or scoring where they do that) then half of literature and a really high proportion of music and films (Verdi's operas in particular
) would never see the light of day or the stamping out desk of local libraries...
If I'm interested in a book (and know I share your taste as we're both on here because of Pterry) then I'll read your opinion/review and discuss it with you if I'm drawn to anything, but your score isn't of the slightest interest to me whatsoever, so long as you're saying you enjoyed it as I know it's probably something I'll agree with in most respects or at least find interesting to bat back and forth quibbling... 
If we genuinely listened to critics reviewing(or scoring where they do that) then half of literature and a really high proportion of music and films (Verdi's operas in particular