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Sep 13, 2009
NOT The land of the risen Son!!
Quatermass said:
Dotsie said:
Oh Q, learn to laugh at yourself. You might like it!
I can laugh at myself. It is other people laughing at me that I can't stand. :p
If you can't stand people laughing at you, it gives you absolutely no right to laugh at anyone else.
Let go of that blanket Linus, don't be so insecure. :laugh:

(I wasn't going to look at this thread again, but I saw Dotsie had made a comment, and I like Dotsie's comments 8) )


Dec 7, 2010
Dotsie said:
I don't recall Linus Pauling being famous for his blanket :rolleyes:
An a-Pauling joke, I know. If I was a stand-up comedian, I'd have to do it for Peanuts.


And please do not assume that I clutch a blanket. I'm the one who does blanket assumptions around here. I'll go on strike because of demarcation!

There's a little word that can't be beyond your ken
D-E-M, A-R-C, A-T-I-O-N


Oh, f*** me. I think I've pissed off the Fool's Guild because of unapproved humour.



Sep 13, 2009
NOT The land of the risen Son!!
Quatermass said:
As for that, well, 1989 was not the best year for British science fiction.
Final last comment. :rolleyes:

So you must really hate Guards Guards too, then! :laugh:

Or more likely, you arrogantly think you are a better judge (Making Money :rolleyes: :laugh: ) than the people who awarded the prize to Pyramids?

Or perhaps you are just bitter and envious because the prize didn't go to some trashy fanfic like "Doctor Who meets the Wombles in Smurf-land" :laugh:


Jul 28, 2008
Hey, that was a good one :p

I liked Pyramids. I don't know why so many people don't. It's one of my most read DW books (along with most of the the watch and witch books).


Dec 7, 2010
Poohcarrot, unless you have something better to do in this thread than mock my enjoyment of Doctor Who, then piss off! :devil:

If Dotsie (or indeed, anyone else) has any objection to my opinion about Pyramids, or any other Discworld book for that matter, then she can state your case, but you, Poohcarrot, do nothing but attack me and my idiosyncracies for kicks, which is the best way to get on my bad side. I will apologise sincerely to anyone I have hurt, except for you. You don't deserve it. You're just a troll, a bully, who knows how to toe the line.

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
*thwacks both of them*

You're as bad as each other but Q has a point pooh - bugger off out of his thread as it only makes you cranky and argumentative :rolleyes:

Q - people would respect you far more if you occasionally counted to ten or at least fought fire with fire, humour with humour and teasing with teasing. o_O I know it's hard for you sometimes but these over-the-top stomping sessions are getting old very quickly :(


Dec 7, 2010
Jan Van Quirm said:
Q - people would respect you far more if you occasionally counted to ten or at least fought fire with fire, humour with humour and teasing with teasing. o_O I know it's hard for you sometimes but these over-the-top stomping sessions are getting old very quickly :(
I have every right to show that I am hurt by teasing that actually hits a sore point, and while my reactions about my scale being criticised were obviously an overreaction (which I have apologised for), my reactions to Pooh's blatant trolling is not. He hurt me. Regardless of whether or not it was meant in jest, he has hurt me repeatedly, and without heed to my own feelings, or apology.

I tried to counteract his hurtful remark that I was like Linus from Peanuts with the security blanket with a joke of my own, but even then, he wouldn't stop. Pooh is the only person on this forum who has truly earned my emnity.

The only respect I want around here is for my idiosyncracies. Or at least tolerance for them. Everything else is optional. If I am unable to socialise properly here, then at least I'll still be able to contribute.

So, in summary:

*Pyramids is crap :p

*Poohcarrot is a troll :devil:

*I have a bad temper. :x

*Jan van Quirm has a helluva lot of power behind her thwack (should we call it the Righteous Cross?) :)

*I get the feeling that toasted figgins are in my future, one way or another, preferably by finishing Guards! Guards! (which is light-years ahead of Pyramids) o_O


Sep 3, 2010
Pooh gets awful defensive about Pyramids. Its fun to poke him and watch the rant. :laugh: Best not to get to peed off with him , its generally all in fun but no point getting too much on each others backs.


Dec 7, 2010
pip said:
Pooh gets awful defensive about Pyramids. Its fun to poke him and watch the rant. :laugh: Best not to get to peed off with him , its generally all in fun but no point getting too much on each others backs.
I didn't post that review of Pyramids to piss him off, as much as I would have loved to in retrospect. I did so to state my opinion after a fresh reading (of a stale book). He doesn't like my opinion, that's his problem, but he could have tried a more convincing argument to debunk my opinion than stating that it won an award (my retort could have been better conceived and written, though). Twilight was named one of the best children's books of 2005 by Publisher Weekly. And Atlas Shrugged won a Prometheus Hall of Fame Award. And yet I would not call them award-worthy.

Pyramids was one of the few Discworld books that did not improve on further reading. I was pleasantly surprised at my reassessment of Equal Rites and Wyrd Sisters. I never did truly enjoy the Witches series, so that's at least one prejudice that's biting the dust. :)


Sep 3, 2010
i agree that awards don't always go to the best books and is a poor defence. I've read a few booker prize winners which i considered pretentious drivel.
I did note the casual shrug off of the Linus comment . :laugh:

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