Well another update for you not so talkative people
7 quests full implemented and almost 100% voice acted, 90+% bug free and 100% game breaking bug free with Vanilla Skyrim
Initial Cohen quest where he inadvertently saves Bethan (Kind of wanted to do him early because I am doing The Color of Magic and Light Fantastic as my ending massive questline for the mod and I needed to break something up but he does play a part)
Going postal Initial quest is done
A quest with Nobby and Colon is done that has almost nothing to do with any of the books besides the two halfwits getting captured multiple times and creating flaming chicken weapondry
The initial part of Snuff is almost completed
Quest with Dr Daisy completed (No real relation to discworld
Quest involving the Small God of Mudcrabs completed
Quest to retrieve a existential sword completed ( Slight relation to Discworld
Working on a second Nobby Colon quest involving a magic shop and crazy dungeon antics
Working on the initial quest to launch aspects of The Fifth Elephant where the player helps Angua hunt down a group of werewolfs eating humans, mention of Wolfgang is there
Working on a hamlet inspired quest, nothing really to do with Discworld
Working on stage two of Going Postal but lacking ideas on how to proceed lol, might hold off till phase 2
Working on finishing off the Arena first 5 fights
Working on second part of Snuff involving Wee Mad Aurther
All in all we are probably looking at 15+ hours of gameplay with repeat visits to areas bearing fruit as the second Nobby and Colon quest gets the player the "Distort Reality" spell, which, when used at areas designated by a specific magic glow, create new passageways and such to new areas to explore and treasure troves and unique boss fights
Honestly I have so bit off more than I can chew, but I'm fat and American so I'll keep on biting
Looking forward to a Alpha and will start wrapping it up as soon as a few more key quests are 100%