Discworld Noir?

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I loaded Win98 onto a Virtual Machine (under Virtual Box), and tried installing Discworld Noir. Installation went OK, and the game even ran through to the start screen and the opening cut scene for a new game - but then died at the point where game play was supposed to start.

Any clues on how to get it working either under a VM (Win98, Win XP) or natively under Windows 7 would be appreciated.
Sep 4, 2014
How to play Discworld Noir on Windows 7 how it was ment to be played


  • Step 1
    * Install into a folder on root of c:, full installation
    * copy contents of Folder CD3 to CD 1
    * Download the fixed exe from http://m0005.gamecopyworld.com/games/pc ... noir.shtml
    * execute the commands shown there
    try the game
    --> If you can start the game and can see the intro after pressing "New game" , everything is okay. If not, please search the web how to do so :)
    * Quit playing by pressing "Esc" several times. The game will crash almost certanly

  • Step 3
    * download the "tinycursors" cursor from http://www.rdpslides.com/tinycursors.zip and extract the "nothing.cur" somewhere
    * open the "mouse"applet in the ctrol panel and navigate to the pointers tab
    * here click on "Browse" on the lower right, navigate to the folder you extracted the nothing.cur to, and double-click on it
    * now click on "save as" in the upper left and give it a good name, like "hidden" or so
    --> from now on you always can choose this theme if you want a invisible cursor.


  • Step 1
    * open the Control Panel
    * open the "Display" applet, navigate to Screen resolution --> Advanced settings, Tab "Monitor"
    * on the lower left, select the "Color depth" and set it to "High color (16bit)
    --> Now you can play in "Window Mode" with all colors intact

  • Step 2
    * start discworld noir again, using the switched exe from above
    * before doing anything enter the "window mode" by hitting "Alt+Enter"
    --> this prevents further crashes. I'm not really sure, why; but in true fullscreen it always was a risk not to save very often...

  • Step 3
    * start winexp from the folder you extracted it above
    * select the "Diwscworld Noir" entry from the list
    * In the "Style"-Tab deselect "WS_BORDER" and "WS_DLGFRAME"
    * In the "Size and Position" Tab, set "Left" and "Top" to zero as well as the width and height to your current screen resolution
    --> Now you should have a window with the game running in it, fullscreen and without borders, just like a real "fullscreen"

  • Step 4
    * open the "Mouse" applet like above, choose the "Hidden" theme and apply it
    --> Now you got rid of the really anoying Desktop mouse, and can enjoy the ingame one

Enjoy playing :)

Further Tips and Tricks:
  • * If not done before, set your task bar to auto-hide in the Settings for "Task bar and Start menu" tab "Task bar"
    * If you want to load a previous game you don't have to start one first. just press F1 in the menu screen and choose "Load game"
    * When you change something in winexp and nothing hapens to the game windows, please select it again in the windows list...

Well, I hope I could help a bit. I was having several wonderful evenings playing this great game how it was ment to be played :) and that withound mendling with Virtualisation or such things.

A, yes: if anyone can tell me how to automate some things it would be great...


Nov 9, 2014
Russia, Moscow
Oh I don't remember - I REMEMBER. I think it's the best dark fantasy detective adventure. Well the one with humour - surely.
And about books Pterry can write: why not novellisation of "Noir"? I'd read this Lovecraft humor version of "DW" immediately! :)


Dec 6, 2012
the game is about 15 years old and it took and adapted a lot of plot lines from the other books in series
meaning creating and padding the story out into a full novel or short story is more work than it's worth

mind you as a personal note I was lucky enough to just get into Discworld around about the release date of
Noir and found a brand new copy for the PS1 at about £15


Nov 9, 2014
Russia, Moscow
Of course. It's just my dream that will never come true :) (if mr. Prachett doesn't give me rights to write it :))) . Joke. I think as just a fantasy this idea is more good. :)

I don't have PS1 but thank you!
ANd sometimes I use old versions of Windows to play such games. Nostalgia. :)


New Member
Jan 18, 2015
I found this game here: http://www.old-games.com/download/1289/discworld-noir

You can also get the first two games at the same place and if you download the Easy Setup option they are already setup to run on a modern pc. I've already tried Discworld and Discworld2 and they work perfect with sound, mouse, 1920 x 1080 resolution, and everything on my XP 32 bit machine. Manual included. I'm assuming/hoping Discworld-noir will work just as well.

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