Doctor Who 2012 News and Rumours

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Mar 1, 2012
Penfold said:
Going off on a tangent here but I would love to see a spin off movie (or movies) covering what happened during the Time Wars and what led the Doctor to wipe out the Time Lords. :laugh:

WOW! You are psychotic Penners. :eek: You must have read my mind.

Tonights episode of Dr Who was "The End Of Time". The one where The Master calls back the Time Lords and Dr Who sees his mother. He didnt look too happy to see them and had no qualms about sending them back. Must have been bad.

:( THEN.... David Tennant died......... :crying-yellow: He went around to all the people he knew and then he died :crying-green:


Mar 1, 2012
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Yeah yeah ... I KNOW (psychic) the real word..... but I love saying that one wrong ESPECIALLY! :twisted:
Nov 21, 2010
There was the first ever doctor Who convention today and I knew nothing about it!! :devil: :devil:

Doctor Who: Cardiff hosts first official convention

People from as far away as America and New Zealand have flocked to the Wales Millennium Centre to see their heroes and villains

Thousands of Doctor Who fans are meeting their heroes - and villains - at the first official convention in the series' long history.

This weekend's event at the Wales Millennium Centre in Cardiff has attracted aficionados from as far away as the US, Australia and New Zealand.

It will include the chance to meet Matt Smith (the Doctor) and his departing assistant Karen Gillan (Amy Pond).

Producer Steven Moffat and production staff are also on hand.

Billed as the "ultimate Doctor Who fan event", the convention is limited to 1,500 people each day but promises those who have spent up to £99 for tickets access to the people behind the BBC show.

Hosted panel sessions include discussions with the key cast members as well as members of the creative team such as directors, scriptwriters and special effects experts.

These include Doctor Who special FX supervisor Danny Hargreaves and his team recreating a battle scene each day with live pyrotechnics, explosions and laser effects.


Mar 1, 2012
Straaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaange isn't it......... :think:

Tony is in Wales.... they film in Wales.

Tony goes to Tuscon..... they film in Tuscon...... :think: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.............


Dec 7, 2010
Tonyblack said:
I'm fairly sure those cowboy shots were filmed in Tucson. :laugh:
They apparently went as far abroad as Spain for that episode. :think:

Not the first time they went to Spain to shoot Doctor Who, mind. Seville and a nearby hacienda was the setting for much of The Two Doctors. Sontarans seriously sweltered and sweated in scorching Spanish sunshine. :eek:

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