Apparently K-9 is guest starring in Stargazing Live: Back to Earth. I was out last night so I missed the first episode, but I'll probably catch up tonight.
Ironically enough, if the ABC fast-track them to the following week like they've been doing, then I'm going to have to have them taped on one night, the 13th of April. I have to head up to Brisbane that night to get ready for the Lords of Time convention. Four Doctors, two companions, and a Dalek voice.
Oh, and there's some tentative story titles too thanks to Wikipedia: the season opener is called Phantom of the Hex, the fifth episode is called Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS, and the Neil Gaiman episode is called The Last Cyberman.
I came across this on YouTube. An enterprising fan has taken the latest title sequence, and remade it, and hoo boy, if it isn't as good, if not better, than the one used for The Snowmen. Here it is...