Doctor Who 2013

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Dec 7, 2010
Good episode. Not as good as the lastepisode, The Crimson Horror, or indeed Gaiman's previous story, The Doctor's Wife, but pretty damn good all the same.
Apr 8, 2013
I have to agree with Q I thought drs wife was far better and I much preferred crimson horror to this one. As I said before it was good but just seemed to lack something and was predictable in parts, even with the added distraction of trying to remember tamzin outhwaite's name, downside of watching on the iPad can't pull up imdb while watching!
Some obvious things you accept eg children will end up in danger, dr will save the day etc.
warrick Davies turning out to be either the emperor/the man responsible for destroying planets or a cyber spy until tamzin called him aside then he obv wasn't the spy and trying to make it a ta-dah moment at the end
Also as soon as the cyber dr was shown in the drs brain with all the neural links I knew the dr was going to overload them o_O , although I admit I thought it was going to be by giving them access to memories of all the planets he'd seen or something similar.
Apr 8, 2013
Plus the introduction of the kids just somehow feels like CBBC saying "please can we have another dr who spin off to replace Sarah Jane adventures" which personally I think would be a very bad thing because I'd much rather see a madam vastra spin off.


Dec 6, 2012
I think that it was more an attempt at regaining the younger viewers with creating relatable characters
than a plea to make another children's spin-off


Dec 7, 2010
Nobody got that stuff about cleaning fluid?! o_O

Okay. Deep breath...

And start.

In The Moonbase, Polly, Ben, and Jamie, imprisoned in a medical bay by the Cybermen, decide to try and fight back. Jamie suggests that back in his day, witches were sprinkled with holy water. Polly, who's been doing her nails, hits upon the idea that, if nail varnish is a kind of plastic and can be removed with something like acetone, then maybe it could affect the Cybermen's own systems. They mix up stuff like benzene, ether, and acetone, put it into fire extinguishers and squirt guns, and christen it 'Cocktail Polly'. It kills the Cybermen rather effectively in the Moonbase, and on the lunar surface, although a spray wouldn't work, a thrown bottle does.


Dec 7, 2010
Tonyblack said:
Thanks Q, I was wondering about that. I probably saw that episode when it was on TV originally and certainly didn't remember it. :)
Unfortunately, it's also one of the missing episodes. Episodes 2 and 4 are available, but 1 and 3 aren't, and 3 is where Cocktail Polly is used. It's effect on Cybermen is pretty startling, if the telesnaps are anything to go by. Here's the results of the first attack by Cocktail Polly...

And the one on the surface of the Moon...


Oct 29, 2012
I thought the kids ruined it, mostly because they are rubbish actors, the characters behaviour being so damn cliche and predictable, they also had a bad intro and ending, coming out of the tardis not that surprised being on another planet and at the end of the show simply saying "goodbye" as they walked out.... I also think the cybermen weren't that good this episode either, they are now overpowered and could have dodged the laser blasts from that gun, which also made me think "are they superfast or not? make up your mind!" then again I get that they upgrade individually and whatnot so my only real problem is the animation, I thought the bbc gets paid so much money for the show so why cant the props, cgi etc. be on par with films that premier in hollywood and so on? the superfast walking looked very unrealistic to me.

This series has really dissapointed me, I take it someone new is in charge of the show...
Apr 8, 2013
I felt, I don't know if it was there intention, that the cyber man could act super fast because he alone was using the whole cyber network, whereas when the doctor got the cyber doctor to work out the three moves the cyber,en froze because the whole network was trying to process this one thing.
Apr 8, 2013
Nyaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! £#%¥*€? cop out ***** ****** ****** ******** ******** ridiculous ******** ******* soufflé ****** ******!

Sorry, I feel better now. Well a bit anyway.
Apr 8, 2013
Ok, now I've had time to compose myself, thought the episode was interesting, well acted and well written, but like the rest of this season (with the possible exception of crimson horror) was highly unmemorable, compared to Karen Gillan's run, which I would say include several very memorable moments and episodes with a much better chemistry between the dr and companion. There just seems to be a spark missing between Clara and the dr and I think it boils down to Amelia was the girl who waited, she had wanted to be with the dr and, I think saw him as a big brother figure, almost since childhood, but at the same time had fallen in love with her best friend (Rory obv). Whereas I think Clara has more a mate you have a few drinks down the pub and possibly flirt with but just aren't each others type, would probably play wingman/woman kind of relationship. There's no awe or idol worship from her, which given the revelation from today's episode should be there.
Basically yes I could understand a lack of awe and wonder from Victorian and dalek Clara but as they are part of a fragmented Clara who HAS travelled with the dr but the computer absorbed, Russian sub visiting etc had never previously met the dr and somehow that didn't carry over.
Anyway all that is just my opinion, feel free to disagree and or discuss!

Jack Remillard

Oct 27, 2009
I on the other hand think there is amazing chemistry between the Doctor and Clara. A huge spark. :laugh: Absolutely loved their interactions in the Crimson Horror and Hide especially. And fragmented Victorian Clara would have made a brilliant companion... :( As for worship, that's not necessary from a 'companion' in my opinion, but there is clear respect and attraction from her. :)

I think it's been a pretty good run of eight episodes, with three outstanding episodes - Hide, The Crimson Horror and (best of all) The Name Of The Doctor. :) Of the others, I most enjoyed Cold War and the Bells Of St John. Nightmare In Silver could have been better, but I really enjoyed parts of it. :)
Apr 8, 2013
Not worship as such or even necessarily, just some degree of awe some sort of wow factor. However tonight's episode does explain Victorian Clara's unusual response to the interior and exterior spatial difference exhibited by the tardis.
Plus forgot to mention I thought the effects were appalling when compared to some other shows that have done similar inserting new characters into scenes from earlier series episodes off the top of my head "the trouble with tribbles" in Star Trek comes to mind. Yes I know bbc budget is probably lower than that of Star Trek, but I personally feel if you can't get it to look good think of a different way of presenting it.

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