Doctor Who 2013

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Dec 7, 2010
Moffat has grown on me, but I do agree that he's far better as a writer than as a showrunner. In fact, he was, in general, a better writer before he became showrunner, though there have been exceptions.

But then again, every showrunner for the series since Verity Lambert have had their fans and detractors. Graham Williams and John Nathan-Turner have attracted more than their fair share of controversy, and often with better reason than RTD or Moffat.
Apr 29, 2009
I probably won't even have the TV on!

It will be a fresh new surprise for me on Monday morning, though I suspect it will be all over the headlines in the papers before I get a chance to log on.
Apr 29, 2009
Steven Moffat: "We are aware that Peter Capaldi's played a part in Doctor Who before and we’re not going to ignore the fact." ... ppearances

The BBC has announced that on Nov. 23 it will simulcast the beloved science fiction show’s special 50th anniversary episode, “The Day of the Doctor,” in at least 75 countries, including the U.S., where it will be shown on BBC America. Meanwhile, details of 3-D screenings in select cinemas here will be announced in the coming weeks.

“The Doctor has always been a time traveler — now he’s traveling time zones,” Doctor Who executive producer Steven Moffat said in a statement. “On the 23rd of November, it won’t be the bad guys conquering the Earth — everywhere it will be ‘The Day of the Doctor!’”

Jack Remillard

Oct 27, 2009
The Radio Times and a number of other news sources are reporting that the rumors that a number of missing classic episodes have been found are true. :) No official announcement from the BBC yet.


Dec 7, 2010
Jack Remillard said:
The Radio Times and a number of other news sources are reporting that the rumors that a number of missing classic episodes have been found are true. :) No official announcement from the BBC yet.
This rumour's been percolating for quite a while now. It's recently experienced a revival on the one Doctor Who BBS I frequent, and apparently, on a number of other forums, particularly those for missing TV episodes, there's been a recently-imposed ban on discussing the matter. Now, it could be that they're trying to tamp down on any potential flame wars, but more than one person is suspicious.

Me? Well, it will be great if they do find episodes, and some of the actions of those involved are suspicious, but to tell the truth, there is still the very great, if disheartening, possibility that the rumours are BS. Certainly, there's very little chance that the mythical 106 episodes were found in Ethiopia, as only 11 of the currently missing episodes were sold there (and one missing episode, The Feast of Steven, was never telerecorded, so in all likelihood, it was destroyed when its videotape was wiped). And I doubt that that many could have been found all at once. However, if they found one or two like they did a couple of years back (which were Air Lock, the third part of Galaxy 4, and The Underwater Menace episode 2), then I'll be happy enough. If they find a few complete serials, unlikely as that is, I'll be even happier.

If you're interested, Jack, there's an excellent book called Wiped! by Richard Molesworth, who is one of the Restoration Team. It's rather dry in style, but it's very informative about not only how so many episodes of Doctor Who came to be missing, but also how they were recovered. You'd be surprised at how many Pertwee stories were missing, for example.

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