Doctor Who 2013

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Jack Remillard

Oct 27, 2009
Jinx said:
Bouncy Castle said:
Anyhoo, Doctor Who and the Daleks (Cushing) was on yesterday, and right at the beginning, he says that the Tardis is his invention.

I thought they were widely available on Gallifrey?
Is that the one that also had Bernard Cribbens?
No, that was Daleks – Invasion Earth: 2150 A.D. (based on the 1st Doctor TV serial The Dalek Invasion of Earth). :) The male 'companion' in the film Doctor Who and the Daleks was played by Roy Castle (called Ian Chesterton the same as in the TV serial it was based on).
The Doctor also refers to himself as "Doctor Who", though I couldn't remember if he done that in the classic series.
Jack Remillard said:
Yep, it was a movie about a human inventor called Doctor Who.
Yes, he was generally called 'the Doctor' in the classic series. There was a William Hartnell serial called The War Machines where an intelligent computer named WOTAN called him 'Doctor Who' for some unknown reason, but that was all. :laugh:


Dec 7, 2010
Jack Remillard said:
Yes, he was generally called 'the Doctor' in the classic series. There was a William Hartnell serial called The War Machines where an intelligent computer named WOTAN called him 'Doctor Who' for some unknown reason, but that was all. :laugh:
There are also other times when the Doctor hints at referring himself as Doctor Who. In The Highlanders, he calls himself Doctor von Wer (Doctor of Who) in order to fool a group of Redcoats into thinking he is a German ally. And in The Underwater Menace, he signs a note to Professor Zaroff "Dr W", as seen in this telesnap from the otherwise missing episode.

Jack Remillard

Oct 27, 2009
Ah! :) I must get round to investigating more of the 'mostly missing' stories. I think I've seen all the complete stories, but it is possible that I fell asleep* during The Ribos Operation and didn't finish watching it. :laugh: I should probably watch it again to find out... :laugh:

There was a funny bit in one of the Big Finish audio adventures (The Kingmaker) where the 5th Doctor is being pursued by a robot from a publishing company which calls him 'Doctor Who'. The Doctor explains that this is due to a typographical error. The 4th Doctor had written the (real world) Doctor Who Discovers educational books while working with UNIT (Doctor Who Discovers: Strange and Mysterious Creatures, Doctor Who Discovers: Early Man and others).

Apparently the series was meant to be named The Doctor, Who Discovers.... :laugh:

* I was quite pleased with myself for managing to accidentally fall asleep during The Awakening but I finished watching that when I woke up. :laugh:

Jack Remillard

Oct 27, 2009
I quite enjoyed that one. :) I don't think it'll be one I'll be re-watching many times though. But I thought it was a nice episode.


Dec 7, 2010
I'm looking forward to next week's episode. All the more so since I'll be in Brisbane at the time. I'll have to tape the repeat on the next night, too, as I have to tape Downton Abbey for my mother (we can't change the channel for the taping, unfortunately).

Anyway, Cold War. Return of the Ice Warriors. Or at least one.

Jury's still out on the sonic beam effect (only see it for a split-second in the trailer), and is it me, or does the Ice Warrior sound like Dr Claw from Inspector Gadget? :|
Apr 29, 2009

You lot seem to prefer this week's offering over the series opener last week, yet almost to a man/woman, the reaction on the BBC boards has been that this week's was dismal.

I have to admit, the music really got on my tits.


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Some of us are easily pleased. :laugh:

Personally, I cherish each episode and would rather find some good in it that ruin it by tearing it apart. besides, there was a brief bit in this week's episode that was filmed across the road from me. ;)

Jack Remillard

Oct 27, 2009
Oh yes, I think I read that. :)

The episode felt kind of like The Beast Below to me. It wasn't exactly my cup of tea, but neither was it coffee.


Dec 7, 2010
I thought it was okay. The plot was pretty thin, to be sure, the Doctor's pseudo-stalking of Clara and her parents through their lives was getting creepy, 'Grandfather', as one reviewer puts it, looks like a mummified version of Mr Hanky, and why did Merry psychically pin Clara to that cabinet like a little brat? But it was still an enjoyable story, with wonderful themes, an intriguing, if underdeveloped, monster, and pretty damn good effects.

However, I'm looking forward to the next episode, Cold War.
Nov 15, 2011
Hey, I've enjoyed what I've seen of this season. Bit of a step-up from last year.

My daughter is into Dr Who & recently watched the 1996 movie with Paul McGann & loved it. She's keen to catch up on the older shows which will be good fun for me to see them again. She put this picture of Matt Smith on the PC desktop which I think is a really good pic.



Jan 26, 2013
Hook, Hampshire
Thought Doctor Who was a bit Star Warsie this week, though good.

I think we are going to see a reoccurring theme with the motorbikes :auto-biker:

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