Doctor Who 2013

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Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
An appeal to the makers of Doctor Who.

Please, please, please, please, please let David Warner's character from tonight's episode join the Doctor and Clara as a Companion. :pray:

Jack Remillard

Oct 27, 2009
I'd be up for that. :laugh:

I really enjoyed that one. :) I enjoyed the general 'submarine movie' setting, Clara being suitably gutsy, I really liked the Captain and the professor, and enjoyed the HADS getting it wrong at the end. :laugh:

I also liked the Alien-esque thing of hiding the 'naked Ice Warrior' from sight as much as possible. :)

Good stuff, Mark Gatiss! :laugh: Probably my favourite TV episode of his. :)


Dec 6, 2012
Tonyblack said:
An appeal to the makers of Doctor Who.

Please, please, please, please, please let David Warner's character from tonight's episode join the Doctor and Clara as a Companion. :pray:
I'm with you on that but for some reason I find Clara really irritating
Apr 29, 2009
Tonyblack said:
An appeal to the makers of Doctor Who.

Please, please, please, please, please let David Warner's character from tonight's episode join the Doctor and Clara as a Companion. :pray:


I've posted that on the Beeb boards for you!

I might even post it to Gatiss on Twitter!


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Thanks Bouncy! :laugh:

David Warner is such a good actor - certainly one of my favourites. And it would be so good to have an intelligent older man character along for the ride.* :laugh:

*Yes, I realise that the Doctor is an intelligent, older main character. :p


Jul 27, 2008
Glasgow, UK
Really enjoyed Cold War. Not expecting much from next week's episode though. Hoping to be surprised, though.
The prof would be a good companion. I wonder what he'd make of some more recent pop groups.


Dec 7, 2010
Believe it or not, David Warner has actually played the Doctor. He's played a variety of roles in Big Finish (including another character in an Ice Warrior story), but he's played the Doctor twice in Big Finish's Doctor Who Unbound series. The stories are Sympathy for the Devil, and Masters of War.

Just returned from the Lords of Time convention last night. Details to follow on request... ;)


Dec 7, 2010
Well, it was tremendously exciting, but exhausting as well. I never knew sitting on my derriere for so long would be so painful. :laugh:

Anyway, all that aside, it was a wonderful day. John Leeson (the main voice for K9) was first, and he made it a tough act for the others to follow. Seriously, he was funny, entertaining, and he could switch from his normal voice to K9's at the drop of a hat.

Then came Janet Fielding. Feisty and acid, she was also funny. I just have to wonder whether she could've turned down the Tegan-ness or not.

Then came a luncheon for VIP guests, and I was able to speak (albeit in a crowded, noisy room) to the guests.

Paul McGann was next, and he had this charming habit of calling the TV movie the 'Pilot Movie Pilot'. Very nice, funny, and charming man.

Sylvester McCoy (my personal favourite Doctor) was next, and he got in right amongst the crowd, making little asides, particularly towards those dressed in later Doctor's cosplays. I asked him what the most dangerous stunt he ever had to perform was, and his initial answer was glaring at me and saying "Talking to you". In good humour, of course. :laugh:

Colin Baker was next, and he's just a wonderful guy. He loves the fans. And he also pointed out that as he didn't do the regeneration scene (he had refused to do so for understandable reasons, so Sylvester McCoy dressed up in a wig and Colin's costume), he was still the Doctor!

Peter Davison was also lovely, and it was endearing how he only referred to the marriage between his daughter, Georgia Moffet, and David Tennant, only obliquely. And then, partway through, they let Janet Fielding loose to join him onstage. It was planned, yes, but I think the banter, particularly on Janet's end, was a can I put it? Affected.

And then, the rest of the guests came on stage, including Nicholas Briggs. And then, they celebrated Peter Davison's recently passed birthday. You should've heard Colin Baker singing. It was the second time I heard him singing live (the first time being at a pantomime in Bath).

Then, we went for dinner, briefly, before coming back up to see Nicholas Briggs, who is not only the voices of the Daleks and Cybermen for the new series, but is one of the key producers (as well as a writer and director) for the Big Finish audios. It was a bit sad that not so many people stuck around to see him, although it had been a long day admittedly. But he was a great guy, and during the luncheon, I had found it easier to talk to him than the other stars, although that was probably because I was less star-struck than I was with the Doctors and companions.

They also had a screening of the most recent episode, Cold War afterwards, but I needed to get home at a reasonable time, and it's being repeated tonight. So I left after the Nick Briggs talk.

I actually feel sorry for the guests, actually. First, they had to do two events, one in Sydney, another in Melbourne. And on Saturday, the poor sods had been in New Zealand for a Lords of Time event in Auckland. Peter Davison apologised if they seemed out of energy (which they didn't, really). But yeah.

I managed to get a lot of things signed. I got Peter Davison to sign my Kinda DVD cover which Janet Fielding already signed, and got them both to sign Frontios. Colin Baker signed my copy of Revelation of the Daleks, and Sylvester McCoy signed my copy of The Greatest Show in the Galaxy. John Leeson signed on the outside of my boxset for The Key to Time season. Paul McGann signed my copy of the TV Movie (the Pilot Movie Pilot :laugh: ), and he and Nick Briggs signed the outer box for the Big Finish story Dark Eyes.

Oh, and I managed to purchase the Big Finish stories Earth Aid (one of the Lost Stories range) and Love and War (a recent adaptation of the excellent New Adventures novel by Paul Cornell).

I have to thank my mother. It was her that paid for my ticket as a birthday present, and organised everything.


Dec 7, 2010
Tonyblack said:
Sounds like you had an amazing time. :laugh:
It was amazing to meet many people who were my heroes. Plus my personal favourite Doctor, Sylvester McCoy (who I'll be seeing again at Supanova this Saturday). It was exciting, too, although not without little problems. I mentioned my derriere being sore from sitting all the time, and I didn't personally like the sandwiches served at the VIP luncheon. But it was very much a worthwhile day. And a very worthwhile present for my birthday.

And they all were wonderful people. I feel sorry for them, though, having a sh**load of...well, not quite jet lag, as they were only flying in from Auckland, but they had to get up very early for the flight back over to Australia. Poor sods. :( And now, with the exception of Sylvester McCoy, they have to head back to the UK on even longer flights. Having made the trip myself about four years ago, I feel sorry for them.
Nov 15, 2011
Thanks for sharing. Sounded like a most excellent day, sore bum and all. Our comic guy went to that & said he'd try and get Paul McGann to sign a poster for our daughter. He's not back yet so don't know if he came good. I'm glad he made a good impression.


Dec 7, 2010
He certainly made a good impression on my mother, who was there. She complimented him on his performance as a rather chilling villain in the finale of Waking the Dead. He patted her on the hand and thanked her. She thought he was a charming and nice fellow, and so did I.

He also said (along with a couple of the others, one of the guests and one of the organisers) that some berk actually stole his specially made sonic screwdriver (Weta made it as a gift, as well as a promotional thing for Dark Eyes) while he was on a train. Thankfully, Weta whipped up a replacement rather quickly and presented it to him the day before at the Auckland convention. Ain't that nice?

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