Doctor Who 2015/2016

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Dec 7, 2010
Re: Doctor Who 2015

Plus, that's not the first time Davros has cracked a joke, though it's probably the first time the Doctor has laughed at one of Davros' jokes. In Revelation of the Daleks (back in 1985), Davros was basically turning people in cryogenic stasis into food, or into Daleks. Davros boasts that his scheme for solving hunger has won him great acclaim (hell, he's even known as the Great Healer). The Doctor, understandably offended, says "But did you bother to tell anyone that they might be eating their own relatives?". Davros retorts "Certainly not! That would have created what I believe is termed... 'consumer resistance'."

In Davros, the Big Finish audio where the Sixth Doctor and Davros are working together (long story), Davros finally, after pretending to work with the Doctor, has him trapped with a nuke, and says, while laughing, "Goodbye, Doctor. I shall... miss you. But then... a nuclear bomb [chuckles] — that couldn't possibly miss! [full-tilt psychotic cackling] NOT AT THAT RANGE!!!"


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Re: Doctor Who 2015

I enjoyed this one again. The young girl looks incredibly familiar. I see she's been in Game of Thrones, but I have never seen that - or any of the other things IMDB says she's been in. But as soon as I saw her I thought I knew her.


Sep 3, 2015
Derby, UK
Re: Doctor Who 2015

I'd certainly like to know more about the character's subsequent life. The ending credits made it clear that, as the Doctor surmised, she became effectively immortal and I could imagine that making her deeply bitter and resentful of him. Unlike a Time Lord, she's tied to her world and has no way to get off the merry-go-round. There is a huge potential for a spin-off episode or short series, IMO.



Dec 7, 2010


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Re: Doctor Who 2015

Penfold said:
I'm enjoying the way they are doing the stories as two-parters in this series rather than trying to cram everything into a single one. It definitely allows for better, more in depth, storytelling. :laugh:
I agree. It's almost like the original series where the story would be spread over six parts and you would hardly ever see the aliens in the first part.

And Osgood is back!!! :laugh:

The Mad Collector

Sep 1, 2010
Ironbridge UK
Re: Doctor Who 2015

Back to having to wait a week to find out what happens after a proper cliffhanger :laugh: So much better. Pity I can't see them ever bringing back the 4 or 6 parter; still less something like the 13 part Key of Time story. Today's youngsters seem incapable of coping with something like that an episode or two is OK but anything longer without some sort of resolution is beyond them and so programme makers shy away from a full length story.


Dec 7, 2010
Re: Doctor Who 2015

The Mad Collector said:
Back to having to wait a week to find out what happens after a proper cliffhanger :laugh: So much better. Pity I can't see them ever bringing back the 4 or 6 parter; still less something like the 13 part Key of Time story. Today's youngsters seem incapable of coping with something like that an episode or two is OK but anything longer without some sort of resolution is beyond them and so programme makers shy away from a full length story.
Okay, you've got a lot of things wrong there.

1. The two-part stories are equal in length to a four-parter from the classic series. In fact, they did something like the new series back during Colin Baker's first year as the Doctor, with several two-part stories and one three-part story, but where the episodes were longer.

2. There has been at least one equivalent story in the new series to a 'six-parter': Utopia/The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords. At a stretch, you can also count Turn Left/The Stolen Earth/Journey's End as well.

3. The Key to Time story was not 13 parts. It was six stories, with all but the last being four episodes, with the last story, The Armageddon Factor, being six parts, so if you count it as one whole story (rather than six stories with a linking arc, which I do), it would be 26 episodes long. No Doctor Who TV story has been 13 episodes long. The Trial of a Timelord was 14 episodes long. The Dalek Master Plan was 12 episodes long. The War Games was 10 episodes long.

One thing that I will agree with you is that the lesser lengths of the stories is not necessarily a good thing. I miss the longer stories.


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Re: Doctor Who 2015

Quatermass said:
1. The two-part stories are equal in length to a four-parter from the classic series. In fact, they did something like the new series back during Colin Baker's first year as the Doctor, with several two-part stories and one three-part story, but where the episodes were longer.
There is a big difference between a four parter and a two parter, even if they are of equal length. The old four or six parters always ended each episode on some sort of cliffhanger. That is not usually the case with a two parter. It's like when the BBC Radio have the serialised Big Finish stories - they are made to be a certain length over several parts and each ending leaving the listener wanting more.
Nov 21, 2010
Re: Doctor Who 2015

Tonyblack said:
I love Missy. :laugh:
She is great isn't she? My other half says the writers have made you love and hate her at the same time!

Went to the Doctor Who festival back in November, really good fun again. Michelle Gomez and Peter were particularly entertaining :laugh:

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