Doctor Who: Let's Kill Hitler

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Apr 29, 2009
It's been confirmed that the Doctor returns to BBC ONE on Saturday, August 27th in Let's Kill Hitler!

It's another epic adventure and begins a run of six episodes which Karen Gillan (Amy) discusses in the video

We'll have another video with Karen focussing on Let's Kill Hitler, tomorrow, but in the meantime, we've already released the Prequel and the latest trailer.

Episode 8 of the current series was written by executive producer and lead writer Steven Moffat, who gave us a broad overview of the adventures that lie ahead for the Doctor, Amy, Rory and River... [HIGHLIGHT TO READ FURTHER]

"The rules have changed, and the game is deadlier than ever. Out in the universe, where the earthly rules of time and space do not apply, Amy and Rory know only too well that their baby daughter needs them. For Melody Pond is destined to become River Song, mysterious archaeologist and convicted murderer - the woman who killed the best man she ever knew...

"The Doctor leads Amy and Rory across centuries and galaxies in a desperate search for baby Melody, but a terrible and inescapable date looms large. At 5.02pm on 22nd April 2011, the Doctor will die. These are his last days, and the quest for Melody his final mission.

"The search will result in a crash landing in Thirties Berlin and will bring them face to face with the greatest war criminal of all time. And Hitler. Old friendships will be tested to their limits as the Doctor suffers the ultimate betrayal and learns a harsh lesson in the cruellest warfare of all.

"A distress call from a terrified little boy will break through all barriers of time and space and lead the Doctor to visit the scariest place in the Universe. George's bedroom. George is terrorised by every fear you can possibly imagine. Fears that live in his bedroom cupboard. His parents are desperate - George needs a doctor. But allaying George's fears won't be easy. Because the monsters in George's cupboard are real.

"An unscheduled visit to a quarantine facility for victims of an alien plague - a plague that will kill the Doctor in a day - leaves Amy trapped. Alone, Rory must find Amy and bring her back to the TARDIS before the faceless doctors kill her with kindness. But Rory is about to encounter a very different side to his wife. "In an impossible hotel, the Doctor, Amy and Rory find themselves checked-in but unable to check out. Walls move, corridors twist, rooms vanish and death lies in wait for every visitor. But the Doctor's time has yet to come. He has one last stop to make on his final journey. His old friend, Craig Owens, desperately needs his help - a new and unfamiliar presence is wreaking havoc in Colchester. And then come the Cybermen. But time catches up with us all and the Doctor can delay no more.

"By the shores of Lake Silencio, in Utah, all of time and space hang in the balance. And a NASA astronaut is waiting..."

Aug 29, 2008
Bridgwater Somerset
Keeping in line with the Dr Who thread WW2 was a liittle bit like taking sides when the Daliks take on the Cybermen..... both are total heartless Bast*rds but how do you back when the poo hits the fan?

I think if the NAZI's not been so racist and anti-Semitic the west would have backed the Fascists against the Commies...... they were seen as the threat at the time, indeed until the out break of war quite a few of the politicians were quit friendly toward the Axis powers.

And until Hitler turned on the CCCP they were helping each other out militarily....

When the UK was the last country left standing at the start of the war and the US officially neutral the CCCP was allowing Germany to use some of its port in the war against the Royal Navy.......
Apr 29, 2009
Ten teasers for Let's Kill Hitler.


1. There's a new traveller aboard the TARDIS.

2. "You don't know about the Doctor, 'cos you're stupid."

3. Our Time Lord hero's snazzy new coat makes its debut in this episode.

4. "That's what you said when we made Rasputin *****."

5. Top hats are cool.

6. "You will experience a tingling sensation and then death."

7. Bananas are still good.

8. "Take off your clothes!"

9. River's romantic past with The Doctor is (sort of) explored.

10. "You shot my TARDIS!"
Apr 29, 2009
A special one-off mini-episode of Doctor Who is to air on BBC Three.

Earlier this year, the BBC launched a competition for primary school pupils aged 9 to 11 to write a three-minute Who script.

Winning entry 'Death Is The Only Answer' has been written by children from Oakley CE Junior School in Basingstoke and will air in the Autumn.

Doctor Who star Matt Smith said: "It was so clever, we were all just bowled over, it was a brilliant script."

The winning script was chosen by Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat, the show's executive producers Piers Wenger and Beth Willis, and Controller of BBC Learning, Saul Nassé.

"I loved the shortlisted scripts, there was so much skill and enthusiasm on display that it was actually genuinely, very, very difficult to judge," said Moffat. "There was some really, really skilled writing. It was very exciting how they caught the voice of The Doctor and how they used the always stringent limitations of Doctor Who to their advantage."

The mini-episode's production will be covered in this Saturday's edition of BBC Three's behind-the-scenes show Doctor Who Confidential.

Doctor Who returns to BBC One this Saturday at 7.10pm and airs the same day at 9/8c on BBC America. 'Death Is The Only Answer' will be broadcast on BBC Three on October 1.

David Brown

Jul 4, 2011
West Sussex
Willem said:
Stalin joined the fight against Hitler (after Germany violated the non-aggression pact). Allies needed him to win the war. The enemy of my enemy is my friend and such. Even though he did many terrible things, 'at least he helped us out in our time of need' - forgetting that was out of self-interest too.
It's amazing how quickly the British Left went from "Peace now" to "Second front now" when Germany invaded Russia.
Stalin's victims were mostly among his own people. Things that happen close to home have a much bigger impact on how we feel. If we go by the numbers, we'd say Stalin was responsible for about 15 million deaths (or up to 60 million according to other sources in Sovjet Russia.
I believe you can make a case for Hitler's victims, excluding legitimate war dead, being in the region of 13 million. The 7m gentiles being an assortment of slavs, gypsies, homosexuals, social democrats (and those further Left), disabled people, and the generally awkward, in any other way. For Stalin, I'd look nearer the higher end than the lower of the scale you quote.
mspanners said:
And until Hitler turned on the CCCP they were helping each other out militarily...
Why the brief switch to Cyrillic? SSSR would do if you must say it in Russian. You didn't write Сталин for "Uncle Joe".
Bouncy Castle said:
A special one-off mini-episode of Doctor Who is to air on BBC Three... Winning entry 'Death Is The Only Answer'...
Sounds more like a James Bond title than one for Doctor Who. But from what I saw on Doctor Who: Confidential, which I think included a few seconds as a teaser for next week, the kids (or their teachers...) have got Matt Smith's Doctor to a tee.
Apr 29, 2009
I'm getting so fed up of the music.

For the last few weeks we have been bombarded with "it's brilliant/so funny/incredible writing" interviews from cast/writers.

It may well have been, but a shed-load was drowned out by the so called "background" music.

Same goes for the narration in Confidential.

I'm on the verge of throwing in the towel.
Nov 21, 2010
Bouncy Castle said:
I'm getting so fed up of the music.

For the last few weeks we have been bombarded with "it's brilliant/so funny/incredible writing" interviews from cast/writers.

It may well have been, but a shed-load was drowned out by the so called "background" music.

Same goes for the narration in Confidential.

I'm on the verge of throwing in the towel.
Yeh I noticed the music getting in the way as well during last weeks. It makes you focus more on the music and less on the story :cry:


Dec 7, 2010
I was kinda hoping Night Terrors would be a good one.

BTW, just watched Let's Kill Hitler last night. Good enough romp that answers a few questions about River's origins. Not only that, but it confirms that she was the girl in 1969, and that she is thought to be the one who killed the future Doctor at the beginning of the series.

Kin Arad

Aug 22, 2011
Who's Wee Dug said:
I thought tonight's episode was a bit crap,I hope there is not another like that one, most dissapointed. :(
I liked it, in the sense that it's the only one for a while that's been 'scary', in my opinion, most people probably did not find it frightening at all, but there you go :oops:

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