A day Bouncy.... but my daughter is a HUGE fan and she has DR WHO nights when she and her friends watch it live on the net from BBC. She has JUST converted her boyfriend to Dr Who (he is addicted)... and they are in the process of finding a flat for themselves.
(Hard to do right now as tens of thousands of people are still in rented accomodation here because their houses are still not livable after the floods.
The b/f and us all get on famously so it MAY be over to thier house on Dr Who night
They usually have the Dr Who night then all head off to go clubbing in the city... we will see.
Last year for my birthday she got me over to her house to watch an early episode of Dr Who... cooked me dinner (me and the girls) then served me churros made in the shape of the Ood
What is the exact date the series starts?